Get blank 3D PDF when using Bentley PDF.pltcfg plot driver file

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Print/Plot
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Johnny Kendall, Bentley Technical Support Group


Get blank 3D PDF when using Bentley PDF.pltcfg plot driver file. 


The problem is the camera in this scene "default view" it looks like the user is trying to simulate an orthographic projection by setting the camera massively far away and using a very small lens angle.  MicroStation is able to handle this, but when we hand these camera properties over to Acrobat it is unable to display the geometry properly.  I recommend the user either turn the camera off in this view (since the appearance will be identical to the camera they have set up) or pick one of the pre-defined Lens types and perform a fit view.