change print color value based on override color number

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Printing
Original Author:Evert deJong, Bentley Technical Support Group


Problem Description

User want to change print color value based on override color number using a Design Script ( formerly an InterPlot Pen table) in MicroStation.
However only default color number was recognized at the design script.

Steps to Resolve

Using a Design Script .PEN file ( formerly an InterPlot Pen table) what selects a color  what is defined by Level Overrides, this will work well, only in combination with PW InterPlot Server when variable IPLOTSRV_DESIGN_SCRIPT_SYMBOLOGY_AS_STORED = FALSE has been set. When the variable is set to IPLOTSRV_DESIGN_SCRIPT_SYMBOLOGY_AS_STORED = TRUE,  no Selection Overrides is taken.

Using the Design Script in MicroStation printing,  variable  IPLOTSRV_DESIGN_SCRIPT_SYMBOLOGY_AS_STORED is not used and therefore again no Selection Overrides is taken.

Our recommendation in MicroStation printing use the MicroStation Pen Table In case other Design scripts are use as well, MicroStation can handle MS Pen Tables as well as IPLOT Design Scripts together.

Using Pen tables or design Scripts when Level Overrides is supported in the following cases

InterPlot + Design Script          -> Works fine  when variable IPLOTSRV_DESIGN_SCRIPT_SYMBOLOGY_AS_STORED = FALSE has been set in iplotsrv.cfg
InterPlot + Pen table                -> Works fine when in pen table – Pen Table Option – As Displayed in View
MicroStation + Design Script   -> Does not work  for Level Overrides
MicroStation + Pen table         -> Works fine when in pen table – Pen Table Option – As Displayed in View