Turn off rasters attached to reference files

 Applies To 
 Version(s):V8, V8 XM, V8i & CONNECT
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Reference
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


How do I turn off raster reference files that are attached to reference files (nested raster reference files)?


No. 1: For instant reference raster display on/off.

Go to the reference dialog and double click on the reference file containing the attached image. Turn off the toggle "Display raster references" in the Attachment Settings dialog.

No. 2: For instant reference raster display on/off.

Turn off the toggle "Display raster references" in the Information Panel in References dialog

No. 3: User level, to keep raster images in reference files turned off on insert.

Go to Workspace > Preferences > References uncheck "Display Raster References"

No. 4: Configuration Variable to keep raster images in reference files turned off on insert.

Go to Workspace > Configuration > References set MS_REF_DEFAULTSETTINGS      displayRasterRefs=0

No. 5: Key in


The Key In REFERENCE SET DISPLAYRASTERREFS=<setting_spec> <file_spec> Defines whether or not raster references display for the defined references.

Many of the reference file parameters that can be set with REFERENCE SET key-ins. These can simplify the task of setting the parameters for groups of files, where you can also use a batch process.

Reference settings key-ins take a string of name/value pairs with the same syntax as required for the MS_REF_DEFAULTSETTINGS configuration variable. Multiple name/value pairs can be separated by commas. If spaces are needed in the name/value pair string, surround the entire name/value pair string with double quotes. One or more references can be specified on the command line, separated from the name/value pair string by a space.

For these key-ins, any case is acceptable, but the full unabbreviated keyword must be present.

For many of the settings, a "setting_spec" value can be specified, which can be any of the following:
• 1 or 0
• On or Off
• True of False

When specifying the reference a "file_spec" can be used, which may be the file name or the logical name of the reference.

For example, the following keyin will turn on raster references for the reference file Design.dgn


See Also