How do I remove the full path setting from my design files?

 Version:V8, XM, V8i, CONNECT


How do I remove the full path setting from MicroStation design files?


To rewrite reference file attachments in your Master files follow the
steps below:

- Open master file.
- Set / save con figuration variable MS_DISALLOWFULLREFPATH = 1
- Restart MicroStation, open file again
- Close (if necessary) references dialog box
- (utilities>key in) key in:
   reference move * <(><<)>enter>
   xy=0 <(><<)>enter>
   dx=0 <(><<)>enter>
   reset <(><<)>enter> (or mouse reset)
- reopen master file

The steps rewrite ALL the reference files in the file.

After reopening the file, the reference should not display as the full path setting is removed.

Although the steps we provided do not remove the entry from the reference file dialog, the option stops MicroStation from using the full path to find the reference files.

See Also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group