Suppressing "Save As" dialog and saving PDFs to specific directory

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Printing
 Subarea: Driver/PDF
 Original Author:Marion Powell, Bentley Technical Support Group


How to suppress the pdf driver's "Save As" dialog and save pdfs to a specific local directory

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Select File>Print
  2. Choose File>Select Bentley Driver; choose "pdf.pltcfg"

  3. Choose File>Edit Printer Driver Configuration

  4. On the "Base Properties" tab, select "Default Print File Name"

  5. In the "File Name" field, type in: c:\pdfs_only\$(basename(_DGNFILE))

  6. Set "Auto Overwrite File" to "True"

  7. Save and Exit menu

  8. Choose File>Reload Printer Driver Configuration

Note: Local directory in step 5 should be created prior to creating pdfs

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