Toggle CONNECT Edition Language

 Subarea:User Preferences

This article describes how to change the language of the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

As of the CONNECT Edition it is no longer necessary to install individual language versions.
Only the basic English version and one or more desired extra language pack(s) need to be installed additionally.

Option 1

Tab: File > Settings > User > Preferences > Language > Select Language > select desired language e.g. Deutsch > OK > Close and restart MicroStation.

Option 2

The configuration variable MS_CULTURE can be used to override the setting from Option 1. For example, this variable can be specified on the command line as followed:

1. Right click on MicroStation shortcut icon on Desktop > Properties
2. Select Shortcut tab
3. Add " -wsMS_CULTURE=de" at the end of the current line in the Target (note the space between the quotation marks and -<argument>).
4. Click Apply and OK

microstation.exe -wsMS_CULTURE=en


microstation.exe -wsMS_CULTURE=de

If the configuration variable MS_CULTURE is set, the language selection from Preferences dialog is dimmed.

Note: Only languages of installed associated language packs are available for both options.

See Also

Other Language Sources


 Original Author:Yvonne Lohse