Plot to PDF Raster levels

 Product:MicroStation, PowerDraft
 Version:V8i, CONNECT


I have a DGN file with a number of raster images attached. When I sent it to print in PDF, I  would expect the rasters to be on separate levels but this does not seem to occur within the PDF that is output.

Steps to Resolve

The steps are:
1. Choose the pdf.pltcfg (or your own PDF-printer driver configuration file),
2. Edit the printer driver configuration file
3. In the Base Properties > Driver Properties> Enable Optional Content > On
4. In the Advanced section >  Enable Merging of Background Rasters > False
5. Save the changes to the .pltcfg file, and
6. "Reload Printer Driver Configuration" for effect to take place.

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Judy Wong