Using VBA To Programmatically Export A VBA Project [CS]


This Client Server article is republished in its entirety from 2004 for reference purposes.

Please NOTE. Code snips below as-is are not guaranteed to run in current form and are only presented to provide some additional insights into actions the attached project programmatically performs.

Download the Code: The download contains a full working example, but please note it is a programming example and not a utility.

There are times when you may need to export your VBA project’s components. Perhaps your project has become corrupted, or you wish to re-use the components (Userform, Module, or Class) for other VBA projects so you do not have to rewrite the code. This article will illustrate how to use the Windows dialog to select a VBA project, how to extract the components, and how to write the project’s references to a text file.

The first step is to create a main routine, and define the variables needed to write this code. You will also want to initialize a flag variable to determine if the project you wish to export is already loaded or not:

Dim fileName As String
Dim filePath As Variant
Dim oProj As VBProject
Dim oComponent As VBComponent
Dim index As Integer
Dim isLoadedFlag As Boolean

isLoadedFlag = False

Next we want to call up the Windows FileOpenDialog box to allow the user to select the VBA project:

fileName = FileOpenDialog("Load VBA Project", "javascript:void(null);", "*.mvba", "VBA Project")

Public Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
    lStructSize As Long
    hInstance As Long
    lpstrCustomFilter As String
    nFilterIndex As Long
    nMaxFile As Long
    nMaxFileTitle As Long
    lpstrTitle As String
    nFileOffset As Integer
    lpstrDefExt As String
    lpfnHook As Long
End Type

Public Const OFN_EXPLORER = &H80000
Public Const OFN_HIDEREADONLY = &H4&

'When user selects project, application will export components
'to C:\VBARefs.txt datafile.  Then it deletes the project.
'   name        FileOpenDialog
'   author      BSI-DEVSPT                                  7/2001
strFileExtDescription As String) As String
    ' ...
    ' MsgBox (filename)
    Dim OpenFile    As OPENFILENAME
    Dim pos         As Long     ' Used for trimming C style string.
    Dim strFilter   As String

    ' Populate the OPENFILENAME data type
    OpenFile.hwndOwner = 0
    strFilter = strFileExtDescription & " (" & strFileExt & ")" & Chr(0) & strFileExt & Chr(0)
    OpenFile.nFilterIndex = 1
    OpenFile.lpstrTitle = strTitle
    OpenFile.nMaxFile = Len(OpenFile.lpstrFile) - 1
    OpenFile.nMaxFileTitle = OpenFile.nMaxFile
    status = GetOpenFileName(OpenFile)

    ' Return the file selected
        FileOpenDialog = ""
        ' Trim C style string for compatibility with VB strings.
        pos = InStr(OpenFile.lpstrFile, strTmp)
    End If
End Function

    For Each oProject In oVBE.VBProjects
        'If project name matches search criteria.
            isLoadedFlag = True

After setting the flag to “1” we can call our function, which will parse out the path from our filename variable. Just write the following inside the “If…Then” statement, after isLoadedFlag = True:

	fPath = fileStripPath(fileName)

'   name        fileStripPath
'   author      BSI                                          07/2002
Function fileStripPath(filePath As String) As String

    Dim Path As Variant
    Dim count As Integer
    count = 0
    Path = Split(filePath, "\") ' strip out the full path

    'While array is not last item.
        'Concatenate path together.
        'Physically putting slashes in between folder names.
        'Add one to counter.

    fileStripPath = pathName

End Function

'Export the project components to the project's path.

The NamedProjectExport function will do the following: Find the project you are going to export, create a text file called VBARefs.txt, and write out all the reference information that was being used by your VBA project to the path of the project. It will then loop through all of the project’s components, and export them all out to the path as well.

Dim oProject As VBProject
Dim fileName As String
Dim oRef As Reference
Set oVBE = Application.VBE

'Loop through each project
	If UCase(name) = UCase(oProject.fileName) Then
		Open dir + "VBARefs.txt" For Output As #1
		For Each oRef In oProject.References
			Write #1, oRef.FullPath
			For Each oComp In oProject.VBComponents
				Select Case oComp.Type
					suffix = ".cls"
					suffix = ".frm"
					suffix = ".bas"
				fileName = dir & & suffix
End Sub

You will notice that different types of modules have different extensions. Each extension represents the following:

.frm = Userform

The last two lines you want to include inside the “If…Then” statement will unload the VBA Project, and then delete it using the Kill function:

CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "vba unload " + fileName
Kill filename

	If isLoadedFlag <> True Then
		CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "vba load " + fileName
		'Get the path of the project.
		NamedProjectExport fileName, fPath

		'Unload the project from MicroStation.
		Kill fileName
	End If

End Sub

See Also

Client Server Archive

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