MicroStation VBA crashes on startup after Microsoft Office 365 monthly/current channel updates

 Version:V8, XM, V8i, CONNECT


When starting MicroStation CONNECT (64-bit) or V8 (32-bit) and using custom MicroStation VBA applications that present “User Forms” (a.k.a. Dialog boxes, Toolboxes, and “Microsoft Forms 2.0” FM20.dll) you receive an unexpected exception/crash on startup.  See Solution Paragraph for available resolution.


Bentley has identified New and Existing Microsoft VBA intermediate object (.BOX) files are being updated with incompatible Microsoft Forms 2.0 (FM20.dll) references, one from Microsoft Windows directory and one from the latest Microsoft Office 365/16.0 (32-bit or 64-bit) Monthly (current) Channel Updates.

Workaround (please read Solution paragraph first)

The following temporary workaround can be used until a Solution is provided below.
  1. Close all Bentley products
  2. On a (good) computer not having the problem
    1. Confirm you do not have any Bentley product startup issues, by starting at least (1) Bentley product and confirm showing a VBA Form without issue
    2. Open Windows Explorer in the default location:  %AppData%\Microsoft\FORMS
    3. Change all (good) [ProductName].BOX file properties to be: “Read Only”;
  3. On a (bad) computer having the problem
    1. Open Windows Explorer in the default location:  %AppData%\Microsoft\FORMS
    2. Overwrite over all existing [ProductName].BOX files with their respective (good) [ProductName].BOX files obtained from the (good) computer
    3. Start your Bentley product and confirm being able to show a VBA Form without issue


Microsoft Office 365 (Monthly and Semi-Annual Channel) subscribers are encouraged to run Office Update > Update Now (see below).  The latest Microsoft Office version updates contain fixes required to resolve this issue and any proposed Workarounds are no longer required.  The recommended update versions are:

To update Microsoft Office go File > Account and Update

Note: Please let Technical Support Know if the October 25th build 8528.2147 or later has corrected the issue.

Microsoft is aware of this problem and is actively working on a solution for this.  At this time, we do not have a timeframe when this issue will be resolved.  Please check back here frequently for further instructions once a formal recommendations or fixes become available.
Defect #762837 Has been filed for tracking of these issues

For more information on Microsoft Office 365 update channels and release version history refer to: Version and build numbers of update channel releases

See also

MicroStation VBA Troubleshooting Guide (Steps that can help resolve most VBA: Crashes, Project Load and Run Issues)

Other language sources

 Original Author:Melissa Hook