How to flatten a 3D line string to 2D in elevation


How can I flatten a 3D Line String to 2D in elevation

Steps to Accomplish

This can be done using the 'Flatten Curve' tool, which will flatten or project a curve-type element, such as a line string, complex chain, complex shape or B-spline curve, into a specified plane.

  1. Optional : Select all the elements that you wish to flatten using Element Selection
  2. From the Ribbon select the 'Flatten Curve' tool ( Drawing > Curves > Curve Utilities )

  3. In the Tool Settings dialog select the plane required for your elements

  4. Select the element to flatten ( Unless already selected in step 1 ) and accept by placing a datapoint anywhere in the view



See Also

Help Documentation:
> Home > Working with Existing Elements > Changing Elements > Updating Elements from a Template > Modify Curves Toolbox > Flatten Curve