Taking a long time to print PDF in CONNECT Edition


Problem Description

It is taking relatively a longer time to print to PDF in CONNECT Edition.


You can disable some of these options in the PDF pltcfg.

From the (PDF) Print dialog box, go to File > Edit Printer Driver Configuration and edit these settings:

Enable bookmarks=OFF

Enable Links=OFF

Enable Searchable Text=OFF

Enable Optional Content=OFF

Enable Measuring=OFF

Enable geo-referencing=OFF

Rasterized Quality Factor=50

The following variables can be used to improve the speed of the rasterized print. They can be defined under file – Settings – Configuration – Configuration Variables.




Note: Tile Width / Height used for rasterized printing. Default width / height size is 2048 and max is 8192.

Set the values 4096 or 8192 for the above variables. 

After editing, save the file and reload to use.

See Also

Other language Sources


 Original Author:Judy Wong