Highlight Item Type elements using a specific field value.

 Version(s):CONNECT EDITION U17+
 Area:Item Types
 Subarea:Selection Set

Problem Description

Is there an easy way to search for a specific field value in an Item Type and either highlight those elements or view it on screen? 


Yes, there is a way to highlight the elements based on the specific fields in Item types.

Follow the below steps to highlight the elements:

  1. Navigate to ribbon > Home > Under Primary group select Explorer tool.
  2. The explorer dialog will open and pin this dialog to the left of your drawing area and click on Items dropdown, here the upgraded Item type library will present. If you click on the name, it will highlight all the elements which are present in the drawing area.
  3. To highlight the elements for a specific field value, select the “Advanced Search” option this will open the dialog here select the ‘Search for’ dropdown and select the Item Type.
  4. Now we need to select a condition to add to the search and click ok.
  5. Now the given condition is added in the search group and the elements are highlighted in the drawing area.

Note: Go through the video recording to view the above steps in a practical way.

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Achyuth Pulakunta