Replace cells for an entire DGN file and a set of DGN files in a batch process

 Version:V8i, CONNECT, 2023
 Subarea:Replace Cell


How to replace cells for an entire DGN file and a set of DGN files.


With this VBA ReplaceCellByName.mvba, all cells in a DGN file can be replaced in a single step.
Using the Batch Process tool, this tool can be executed on many DGN files automatically. Optionally the new cell can be placed as an annotation cell.

The variable REPLACECELLFILE points to a text file where each line describes the old and new cell name, the scale and optionally a flag for annotation cell.
Each line has the following format:

The new cell must be available in a library defined by MS_CELLLIST.

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:

Kees van Prooijen