How to add to, modify or delete default Levels from the default WorkSet in MicroStation

 Version(s):CONNECT, 2023
 Environment:Windows 11


When creating a new file in MicroStation using the default WorkSpace Example and the default WorkSet MetroStation, there will be a list of predefined levels in the file:

These levels are defined in a DGNLIB file that is stored in the Windows ProgramData folder and, since they are defined in a library file, they can only be modified or deleted from there. If the user tries to modify any of them from a DGN, it will not be possible.

The user might wish to add to, modify, or delete levels from this list, so that the next time a new DGN is created the default levels that come with it are, in turn, different. This wiki shows how to achieve that.

Steps to accomplish

  1. For MicroStation CONNECT Edition users, navigate to:
    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Example\WorkSets\MetroStation\Standards\Dgnlib
    For MicroStation 2023 users, navigate to:
    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation 2023\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Example\WorkSets\MetroStation\Standards\Dgnlib
  2. Open the file:

  3. Open the Level Manager.

  4. For the purpose of this example, the following changes will be made:
    1. Delete levels Interior Floors, Plan Border, Plan Text Description and Plan Text Titles.
    2. Modify level Profile Grid Minor. Its new name will be Default Level Modified, and its new color will be red.
    3. Add a level called My Level whose color will be yellow.

Now that the list of default levels has been modified from the library, the next DGNs created in the default WorkSet MetroStation will have the new list readily available in the Level Manager.

Note: The Default level cannot be deleted or renamed, but its color, line style, and line weight can be modified.

 Original Author:Alvaro Melgarejo