Modify Level Attributes Key-ins

 Version:CONNECT, 2023


This article will briefly cover the key-in syntax for modifying level attributes. These key-ins are great for use within a batch process, but can also be used for ad hoc use.


The following key-ins are supported for modifying level attributes:

LEVEL SET BYLEVEL COLOR <color-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>Sets the bylevel color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to "color-spec". The "color-spec" is the color index.
LEVEL SET BYLEVEL STYLE <style-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>Sets the bylevel style of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to "style-spec". The "style-spec" can be the style-number or a style-name.
LEVEL SET BYLEVEL WEIGHT <weight-spec> [file:file-spec] level-specSets the bylevel color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to "weight-spec". The "weight-spec" is the weight number.
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE COLOR <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|color-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>Sets the override color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "color-spec". The "color-spec" is the color index.
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE STYLE <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|style-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>Sets the override style of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "style-spec". The "style-spec" can be the style-number or a style-name.
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE WEIGHT <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|weight-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>Sets the override weight of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "weight-spec". The "weight-spec" is the weight number.
LEVEL SET BYLEVEL MATERIAL <material-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>Sets the bylevel material of the levels specified in [file:file-spec] level-spec to "material-spec".
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE MATERIAL ON|OFF|TOGGLE|MATERIAL-SPEC [file:file-spec] <level-spec>Sets the override material of the levels specified in [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "material-spec".


Let's say you wish to change the ByLevel Color of specific level "Guardrail" to color 3 in a design file.
The key-in would be:

     level set bylevel color 3 Guardrail

Note that the [file:file-spec] portion is optional. You can specify the design file in which this level resides. If it's not specified, then the current file will be processed.
This would really only be needed if you were working with reference files.
If you want to ensure the Guardrail level in the current (master.dgn) file is changed, then the syntax would be

     level set bylevel color 3 file:master.dgn Guardrail

If the Guardrail level was contained within a reference reference.dgn (which was referenced into the current master.dgn design file) the key-in syntax would be:

     level set bylevel color 3 file:reference.dgn Guardrail

If the Guardrail level was contained in a nested reference (for example, nestedref.dgn), then the syntax would be:

     level set bylevel color 3 file:reference.dgn->nestedref.dgn Guardrail

Note - if the Level Name contains a space (i.e. Guard rail), then double quotes will be needed in the key-in syntax:

     level set bylevel color 3 "Guard rail"

See Also

How to turn on/off View Display of Levels with a Key-in

Level Symbology key-ins - OpenBuildings

Modify Level Attributes Key-ins - online MS help

Level Key-in Format - online MS help

Other language sources

 Original Author:Jayson Perry