Configuration Variables In MicroStation V8

 Version(s):V8.0, V8.1
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A


This technical Document provides a description of the variables in MicroStation V8 (2004 Edition, V8.0 and V8.1)

This table lists the new variables available only in the MicroStation V8 2004 Edition. For other variables available in the MicroStation 2004 Edition as well as all variables available in MicroStation V8.0 and V8.1 see the second table on this page.

_USTN_CAPABILITY _V7Defines one or more capabilities in V7 workmode that are to be restricted. See MicroStation 's documentation for a full list of features and capabilities.
_USTN_CAPABILITY_DGNDefines one or more capabilities in DGN workmode that are to be restricted.
_USTN_CAPABILITYDefines one or more capabilities in MicroStation that are to be restricted.
MS_ORACLEPREFETCHSpecifies the number of rows pre-fetched from the database, maximum 65535. For example if MS_ORACLEPREFETCH is set to 1000, there will be 1000 rows of data returned to the client and cached. If this configuration variable is not set, one row is pre-fetched. Setting MS_ORACLEPREFETCH can result in improved query performance over high latency networks, such as Wide Area Networks (WANs).
Data Files
MS_CUSTOMSHEETSIZEDEFDefines the location of the sheetsizes definition file that can be used when creating sheet models.
MS_CUSTOMSCALEDEFDefines the location of the scales definition file that can be used when creating models.
MS_REMAP_CSVFILEIf this configuration variable points to a remapping comma separated value (CSV) file, the remap filter defaults to that file for the remapping during the Save As operation.
Design History
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_ON_SAVESpecifies if the File>Save (^S) command should commit changes to design history. Possible values:
  • 0 - Save command should save changes to the design file but should not commit changes to design history or prompt the user. The default is 0 (do not prompt or commit).
  • 1 - Save command should prompt the user, offering the chance to commit changes to design history with a description.
  • 2 - Save command should quietly commit changes to design history without prompting the user and without a description.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_ON_CLOSESpecifies if changes should be committed to design history before closing the file. Possible values:
  • 0 - Close command should save the changes to the design file but should not commit changes to design history or prompt the user. The default is 0 (do not prompt or commit).
  • 1 - Close command should prompt the user, offering the chance to commit changes to design history with a description.
  • 2 - Close command should quietly commit changes to design history without prompting the user and without a description.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_OWNERSHIP_WARNINGSpecifies if the user should be prompted to confirm when opening a file that contains changes made by another user and not yet committed. Possible values:
  • 0 - Open the file without prompting for confirmation The default is 1(prompt).
  • 1 - Prompt for confirmation before opening the file.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COLORSThe colors to use when identifying changed elements. The value must be a list of four color numbers, in the following order added, deleted, changed and pre-changed. Each color number must be a menu color index value. The default is: 2 4 1 3.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_REVISION_NUMBER_FORMATSpecifies the how to display a revision number. The syntax is:

formatClause := { [ "[" range "]" ] msgFormatPattern }+
range := start [,end]
msgFormatPattern := string [ "{" msgFormatElement "}" string ]*
msgFormatElement := argument [ "," elementFormat ]
elementFormat := "number" | "letter" [ "," letterStyle ]
letterStyle := { "uppercase"|"lowercase"|"AA"|"AB"|{"omit" letter}* }+ The default is {0}.{1}

MS_ANNOTATIONSCALEPROPAGATIONWill turn off the message box if the annotation scale is changed with the following settings:
  • PROMPT (default) Will display the prompt dialog.
  • ALWAYS Will make the change and not display the dialog.
  • NEVER Will not make the change and will not display the dialog.
MS_NOTEAUTOUPDATEWill control what will be propagated from the style if the style is changed. The following list will not be changed when the style is changed unless you set to "all" or set each of the below all separated by a comma. If not set the only way to change the note properties is with the Change Text tool. The default is off.
  • ALL
MS_DIMLEGACYPOINTORDERIf set to 1, the dimensioning tools will use the legacy datapoint sequence for placing linear and angular dimensions (ie., StartPoint - ExtensionPoint - EndPoint) instead of the current datapoint sequence (ie., StartPoint - EndPoint - ExtensionPoint).
MS_DWG_PRE2004_COLOR_TABLESets the color table for DWG files in MicroStation. In version 2004, AutoCAD began displaying indexed colors with a slightly different (generally lighter) colors. MicroStation also uses these new colors unless this variable is set.
MS_DWG_CREATE_SEPERATE_SHEETSIf set, if a DGN contains sheet models, the sheet models are saved to separate DWG files with the file name created by appending the model name to the original file name. If not set, the sheets are saved to separate layouts within the DWG file.
MS_DWG_VPORT_LAYER_FROM_CLIPDefines the viewport level in DWG files. Viewport entities are represented as reference attachments in MicroStation - the viewport level is extracted from the reference attachment. If no level is set for the reference attachment then by default the viewport is assigned to layer 0 . However, if this variable is set and a clip element is present, then the viewport layer is extracted from the clip element.
MS_DWG_VPORT_MAP_LOCATE_OFF_TO_LOCKEDIf set, the Display locked status of a viewport entity is mapped to the Locate setting of the reference attachments that represent this viewport. In this case, a viewport with Display locked off will have Locate turned off - and changing the Locate status of the reference attachment will change the Display Locked status of the viewport.
MS_DWG_DISCARD_INVALIDIf set, entities that are outside the DGN design plane are discarded and will not be written back to the DWG file on the next file save. If the variable is not set, MicroStation ignores these entities.
MS_DWG_LEADER_HOOKLINEIf set, an inline elbow is displayed on notes.MicroStation allows a note to be placed without an inline elbow (a hook line in AutoCAD) when the inline toggle is unchecked, but AutoCAD does not. This type of note (for instance, a leader without a hook line) saved to DWG will retain correct graphical presentation, and will operate properly in AutoCAD.
MS_DWGINSERTLAYERSpecifies the layer to which normal (unshared) cells and reference attachments are assigned when saving the open DGN file in DWG format. If this configuration variable is not defined, layer 0 is used.
MS_DWGOMITUNIQUEEXTENSIONIf more than one file with the same name is present in the same directory, appends the extension to the output filename when saving the file.
MS_DWG_LSTYLE_FONTPATHDetermines the location for the font file.
MS_DWG_LSTYLE_FONTNAMEDetermines the name of the font file (and therefore the name of the font).
MS_FEATUREPath to directory that contains MDL applications for Feature Modeling.
MS_MODELERPath to directory that contains the MDL application MSMODELER which implements base functionality for Feature Modeling.
MS_DWG_OBJECT_APPLists Object Enabler MDL applications to be loaded. It is currently set to use applications that enable Architectural Desktop and AutoPlant objects (AdtDirectApp and RebisDirectapp). Users should not need to change this setting.
MS_DWG_PROXYSHOWThis variable controls the display of proxy objects within a DWG drawing. It is analogous to the AutoCAD registry setting "PROXYSHOW". Possible settings include 0 - no graphics, 1 - complete graphics and 2 - bounding box display only. The default setting is 1.
MS_DWG_LWDEFAULTControls the width of the default lineweight and is analogous to the AutoCAD registry variable "LWDEFAULT". The default value is 0 for unweighted default lines. valid LWDEFAULT values are 0, 5, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 53, 60, 70, 90, 100, 106, 120, 140, 158, 200, 211.
MS_PROCESSEXCEPTIONLOG: It is used too limit the number (and consequently the size) of the exception.log file.
File Saving
MS_V7AUTOSAVEDetermines the frequency, in seconds of the auto-save timer for V7 format files. For example, If set to 300 (the default), an auto-save will occur approximately 5 minutes after the first change to the design. The minimum value is 30 seconds.
MS_V7AUTOSAVE_NODIALOGV7 format files take far longer than V8 format design files to save. Therefore, by default MicroStation displays a dialog box allowing the user to defer the auto-save operation. If this configuration variable is set, this dialog is skipped and auto-save occurs automatically.
MS_V7BACKUPV8If this variable is set when working on a V7 DGN file, MicroStation will automatically create a backup file in V8 format every time you save. This provides a fallback in cases where you inadvertently create information that cannot be represented in the V7 format. This variable specifies a "template" that is used to create the backup filename. If you simply set the value to 'true', a file in the same directory as the original with the extension '.v8' is created.
MS_DWGAUTOSAVEDetermines the frequency, in second of the auto-save timer for DWG and DXF format files. For example, If set to 300 (the default), and auto-save will occur approximately 5 minutes after the first change to the design. The minimum value is 30 seconds.
MS_DWGAUTOSAVE_NODIALOGDWG and DXF format files take far longer than V8 format design files to save. Therefore, by default MicroStation displays a dialog box allowing the user to defer the auto-save operation. If the configuration variable is set, this dialog is skipped and the auto-save occurs automatically.
MS_MERGE_DISPLAYEDLEVELSONLYWhen set, only the displayed levels will be merged when saving to V8 or DWG.
MS_LEVEL_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_LISTThis variable controls the list of reference or library level-attributes that can be edited The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list : OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, Lock, Plot. Each of the above attributes can take a "Reference" or "Library" prefix. Without the prefix, the said attribute will be editable for both reference & library levels.
See ** belowWhen set to 1, reference attachment levels will not synchronize to an attached library.
MS_HIDE_LIBRARY_SOURCE_NAMES(this variable must be created) Hides the Level library name that is in brackets that proceeds the level name if set to 1.
MS_LEVEL_EDIT_NESTED_ATTACHMENT_LEVELSIf defined, then allow editing of nested attachment levels.
MS_LEVEL_SEED_LEVEL_NAMEIf defined, then name of seed level. A new level inherits its properties from the seed level. If not defined, then the default level is the seed level.
MS_LEVEL_LOAD_ATTACHMENT_FILTERSIf defined, then level-filers of reference attachment is loaded.
MS_LEVEL_CREATE_FROM_SEED_ATTRIBUTE_LISTThis variable controls the list of level attributes that are copied from the seed level. (Ms_Level_Create_From_Seed_Attribute_List). The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list: OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreese, Lock, Plot.
MS_LEVEL_AUTO_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LISTThis variable controls the list of level-attributes that will automatically synchronized when a file is opened. The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list: OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, Lock, Plot. Each of the above attributes can take a "Reference" or "Library" prefix. Without the prefix, the said attribute will be synchronized for both Reference and Library levels.
MS_NATIVEMAINMENUIf set to "0", menus that are larger than the screen size no longer function as they did in MicroStation/J. Top and bottom scroll arrows no longer appear and auto menu positioning no longer functions. If set to "1", Menus will appear correctly.
MS_MAINMENUDOCKINGBESIDEIf set to a non-zero value, tool boxes and dockable dialogs may be docked alongside the main menu bar. If not set (default) or set to 0, MicroStation's main menu bar spans the entire width of the application window.
MS_IDLETIMEOUTIf defined, specifies the number of minutes of inactivity to wait before exiting MicroStation. Minimum value is 30 minutes. A value of 0 means never exit, even when idle.
MS_COMPRESS_OPTIONSSet the values for individual items by alias. To turn an item on, precede the alias with a +. To turn an item off, precede the alias with a -. For example, +FONTS;-LEVELS will will delete unused fonts but leave unused levels. The special aliases ALL and DEFAULT can be used here. +DEFAULT means that any items not in the list should default to on; -DEFAULT means that any items not in this list should default to off. If this variable is set, it will override user preferences.
MS_POPUPDIALOGCLOSEDELAYSpecifies the amount of time to wait before closing a popup dialog (Eg. the dialogs launched from the Primary toolbox).The value, specified in 1/60 second increments, should be a number between 0 (very little delay) and 120 (2 seconds).The default is 30 (1/2 second).
MS_FULLPATHINTITLEBARWhen turned on, the full path of the current Design File is displayed in the main title bar.
Primary Search Paths
RDL_DIRDefines the location and/or extension of the Bentley Redline generated redline file that the Redline On tool searches for. Defaults to <ActiveFileName>.rdl in the same directory as the active DGN file.
DWGRDL_DIRDefines that location and/or file name appendage of the Bentley Redline generated DWG redline file that the Redline On tool searches for. Defaults to <ActiveFileName>_redline.dwg in the same directory as the active DWG file.
MS_PLOTBORDER_TIME_FORMATChanges the date and time format for printed outputs from Windows Regional Settings to another format. Set to v7.0 to use the v7.0 format.
MS_PLT_NORASTERTRANSPARENCYIf defined, disables raster transparency settings when generating print files with drivers that do not support transparency (mainly postscript drivers). This prevents inflating the size of printed output, thus improving printing speeds.
MS_PLTMODELNAMEDisplays the name of the model from which the print is produced.
MS_PLOTDLG_DEF_PLTFILEIf this variable is to a printer driver (.plt) filename, that printer driver will be loaded (instead of the last used printer driver) when you open the print dialog box.
MS_PLT_SYSPRT_PLTFILEIf this variable is set to a fully-qualified print driver (.plt) filename, then this will be used instead of Printer.plt when Windows Printer is selected in the print dialog box.
MS_PLT_SYSPRT_DEFAULT_PRINTERAllows you to specify the printer name that is selected when a default system printer is opened.
MS_PLT_SYSPRT_DEFAULT_FORMAllows you to specify the form name that is selected when a default system printer is opened.
MS_PLT_SYSPRT_DEFAULT_TRAYAllows you to specify the tray name that is selected when a default system printer is opened.
MS_PLTFILESDefault output directory for plot files, if the most recently used directory is not defined.
MS_PLTDLG_FORCEOUTDIRMay be used to specify the output directory for plot files, if not specified in the .plt file or on the key-in command. This variable takes precedence over the most-recently-used directory stored in the user preference file.
MS_BATCHPRINT_LOGFILEUsed to set the name of the batch printing log file.
MS_BATCHPRINT_ADD_ONLY_SHEET_MODELSIf set to 1, Batch print will only add sheet models to the job set when the design file is added. The Default is 0.
MS_BATCHPRINT_ADD_ALL_MODELSif set to 0, Batch print will not add multiple entries, one per model, to the job set when the design file is added. The default is 1.
MS_BATCHPRINT_SETUPSYSPRTCan be used to control the behavior of the Batch Print Setup System Printer Dialog. The following values are recognized. PRNSELECT; (default) the icon invokes the Windows printer selection dialog. PAGESETUP; the icon invokes the Windows page setup dialog.
MS_PLT_USE_MRU_DEFAULTSThe variable is a convenient way to disable use of most-recently-used default files and directories throughout the plotting system. Normally, MRU locations are used instead of configuration variables when Open or Save dialogs are presented. If this variable is set to '0' the configuration variable will always be used instead.
MS_PLTDLG_ENABLE_ORIENTATIONThe orientation control on the print dialog allows you to quickly reverse the X&Y values of the paper size record without having to edit the .plt file. This is necessary for printer.plt and helpful for some Postscript-to-PDF workflows, but not desirable for most HP/GL2 and HP/RTL workflows. To reduce confusion and prevent any accidental swapping of the X&Y sizes, the orientation control is disabled by default for Bentley Printer drivers. You may control this behavior by using the variable.

Valid values are:

  • 0 orientation is always disabled for Bentley drivers (default)
  • 1 orientation is always enabled for Bentley drivers.
NOTE: This variable does not apply to system printers.
MS_PLTDLG_PREVIEW_ORIENTATIONBy default, MicroStation displays the preview window with the same orientation as the design, regardless of the orientation of the paper size definition. This prevents you from having to twist your head when previewing landscape designs maximized to portrait-oriented forms. You can use MS_PLTDLG_PREVIEW_ORIENTATION to change this behavior, as may be desired when working with portrait designs and landscape forms.

Recognized values are:

  • DESIGN: the preview will use the orientation of the design (default behavior).
  • PAPER: the preview will use the orientation of the paper size definition.
  • LANDSCAPE: the preview use landscape orientation.
  • PORTRAIT: the preview use portrait orientation.

Note that if the preview is displayed in a different orientation than that indicated by the orientation radio button, then the preview display of 'rotate 90' will be reversed as well. This variable does not apply to system printers.

MS_PLT_PREVIEW_USABLEAREACOLORspecifies the color of the usable area rectangle in the preview window. If zero, the rectangle is not drawn. For legal values, see the description for MS_PENTABLE_DISABLECOLOR.
MS_PLT_PREVIEW_PRINTABLEAREACOLORSpecifies the color of the printer driver's printable area rectangle in the preview window. If zero, the rectangle is not drawn. For legal values, see the description for MS_PENTABLE_DISABLECOLOR.
MS_PLT_PREVIEW_PLOTBOXCOLORSpecifies the color of the print bounding box rectangle in the preview window. If zero, the rectangle is not drawn. For legal values, see the description for MS_PENTABLE_DISABLECOLOR.
MS_PLT_PREVIEW_PLOTFENCECOLORSpecifies the color of the print fence shape in the preview window. If zero, the shape is not drawn. For legal values, see the description for MS_PENTABLE_DISABLECOLOR.
MS_PLT_ENABLE_SCALE_CLIPPINGIf it is set to 0, the plot dialog does not reduce the plot fence or sheet size in order to accommodate the user-or-sheet-specified scale factor.
MS_PLT_ENABLE_AUTO_ROTATEIf it is set to 0, the print dialog does not automatically change the plot rotation in order to achieve a best fit. This variable only applies to Bentley plotter drivers.
MS_PLT_ENABLE_PRESERVE_SCALEIf it is set to 0, the plot dialog does not attempt to preserve the current plot scale when a new view, fence, or paper size is selected.
MS_PLT_ENABLE_AUTO_ORIENTIf it is set to 0, the print dialog does not automatically change the paper orientation in order to achieve a best fit. This variable only applies to system printers.
MS_PLT_HONOR_SHEET_INFOThe variable can be used to prevent the plot dialog from applying sheet attributes stored in the model when it creates a plot description. Normally, if sheet attributes are present, the plot will default to PlotArea=Sheet and the plot boundary is set automatically from the sheet. If this variable is set to 0, the print dialog acts as if there are no sheet attributes present.
MS_PLT_AREA_PRIORITYIf it is set to 1, sheet definitions in the model take priority over the active fence. New fences are ignored when the print area mode is sheet. This is the default setting. If this variable is set to 2, the active fence takes priority over sheet definitions.
MS_PLT_FORM_SCALE_PRIORITYIf it is set to 1, the default form scale specified in the .plt file is re-applied whenever the paper size changes. By default, the current print scale is preserved.
MS_PLT_MAX_ON_NEW_AREAIf it is set to 1, the print size is automatically maximized when the print area is changed. This includes when a view number is selected or a fence is placed. By default, the current print scale is preserved.
MS_PLT_FIT_RASTER_REFSIf it is set to 1, the print dialog includes raster references when computing the design range for the Fit print area modes. By default, it does not.
MS_PLT_AUTO_FIT_VIEWIf it is set to 1 or 2, the print dialog automatically sets the print area mode to Fit Master or Fit All respectively when first invoked (and a fence or sheet is not defined). Otherwise, the print area mode is set to View.
MS_PLTDLG_KEEPVIEWFLAGSONFENCECHANGEWhen a new fence is placed, the print dialog obtains new view information from the view the fence was placed in, and resets the print attributes if the new fence view is different than the current print view. However, if MS_PLTDLG_KEEPVIEWFLAGSONFENCECHANGE is set, the print dialog will always preserve current print attributes.
MS_PLTDLG_WEIGHTOVERRIDECan be used to set the print dialog's weight print attribute automatically to a value other than the one obtained from the view. This is may be desirable when plotting DWG files (which typically do not have weights turned on) with pen tables. The override is applied whenever print dialog settings are obtained from the view. The following values are honored:
  • 0: weight override is set; the print weight attribute is turned off regardless of the view setting.
  • 1: weight override is set; the print weight attribute is turned on regardless of the view setting.
  • VIEW: weight override is not set; the print weight attribute is obtained from the view setting.
  • PENTABLE: weight override is conditionally set; the print weight attribute is turned on if a pen table is attached that contains output width specifications. Otherwise, the attribute setting is obtained from the view. This is the default value when the variable is not defined.
MS_PLOTDLG_DEF_PENTABLEDefines a default pen table that is loaded when you open the Print dialog box.
MS_PLTDLG_SETUPSYSPRTICONCan be used to control the behavior of the 'Configure Windows Printer' icon on the print dialog. The following values are recognized:
  • PRNSELECT: (default) the icon invokes the Windows printer selection dialog.
  • PAGESETUP: the icon invokes the Windows page setup dialog.
MS_PLT_ENABLE_PAGESETUP_MARGINSIf it is defined, the margins are enabled on the Windows Page Setup dialog. By default, the margins are disabled. This variable only applies to system printers not in fullsheet mode.
MS_PLTDLG_SETUPSYSPRT_ENABLE_PRINTCan be used to control the print behavior of the "Configure Windows Printer" icon on the print dialog. By default, the print button on the Windows Print dialog in this mode saves printer driver changes without submitting a plot. If this variable is set to 1, the print button will submit a plot (original MicroStation V8 behavior).
MS_PLTDLG_ENABLE_SAVE_CONFIGIf it is set to 0, the print dialog save configuration menu items are disabled.
MS_PLT_SCALE_METHODDetermines how the print scale is displayed in the print dialog. This variable overrides the corresponding user preference. The following values are recognized:
  • 1: the scale display is paper-to-design format (default).
  • 2: the scale display is design-to-paper format. If this variable is not defined, the user preference controls the scale method. This variable also controls the appearance of MS_PLTSCALE_SHORT.
MS_PENTABLE_IMPORTEMPTYSECTIONSBy default, during AutoCAD plot style table import, pen table sections which have no effect (the settings are default) are ignored. Setting this variable to 1 will cause empty sections to be created.
MS_PENTABLE_DISABLECOLORA disabled section in a pentable is shown in medium gray by default. You can modify the disabled color by setting this configuration variable to one of these numbers: blue=1; red=4; magenta=5; light-gray=8; medium-gray=10; turquoise=13; dark-green=14; maroon=15; dark-yellow=17.
MS_PENTABLE_REGEX_LEVEL_COMPAREIf is defined, regular expressions will be evaluated when comparing level names in the pen table.
MS_PENTABLE_SLOTNUM_MATCH_APPLIES_TO_CHILDBy default, a pen table reference slot number match applies to both a parent reference and its children. If MS_PENTABLE_SLOTNUM_MATCH_APPLIES_TO_CHILD is set to 0, then the slot number match applies only to the parent reference.
MS_PENTABLE_IMPORTCTB_NOPENMAPBy default, the pen table creates printer driver pen maps when importing CTB files. This permits proper color-to-width resymbolization of multi-colored elements. The legacy, element-output-action-based behavior may be restored by setting the MS_PENTABLE_IMPORTCTB_NOPENMAP configuration variable.
MS_PLTFILE_EDITORFully qualified name of a text editor to use for when File > Edit Printer Driver on the Plotdlg menu is activated. Setting this variable to HIDE_MENU_ITEM will prevent the File > Edit Printer Driver and the File > Reload Printer Driver menu items from being shown.
MS_PLNONAMEIf set, the RTL/PCL drivers will not insert the DGN name in the output file. Adding the DGN name should allow a printer to display the name in its front panel window, etc. but setting this variable will allow the feature to be disabled, since some printers cannot handle it.
MS_PLT_VIEWFLAGOFF_LINEWIDTHMMWhen the view flags have line weights turned off, all lines are drawn with the thinnest line available. However, as printer DPI has increased over the years, the thinnest line is getting too thin. Setting this variable allows you to set minimum line thickness in millimeters.
MS_PLT_INVERT_WHITE_COLORSThe variable allows you to override the colors that are automatically inverted from white to black if necessary. If this variable is not defined, the default inverted color numbers are 0 and/or 7, depending on the drawing file format and color table. The syntax for this value is the same as a level number list, with range 0-254.
MS_PLT_OLE_MAX_MFB_SIZEWhen plotting OLE objects to non-system printers, MicroStation must render the object at device resolution into a memory frame buffer (MFB). By default, the MFB is limited to 4096 pixels in both width and height. This is approx.. 13x13" at 300 dpi, and consumes 48MB. If the paper size of the object is larger than 4096 dots, the MFB is scaled accordingly. That can reduce the sharpness of the image. For sharper plotted OLE objects at the expense of memory usage, processing time, and plot file size, you may set MS_PLT_OLE_MAX_MFB_SIZE. The valid range is 1024 through 16384 (units are pixels). This variable does not apply to system printers.
MS_PLT_FORCE_HARDWARE_TEXTIf it is set to 1, some text that otherwise would be stroked in software is sent to the printer driver as hardware text. These conditions include rotated, slanted, mirrored, and vertical text. Note that it is likely the text will not be output correctly in these cases. Therefore, this variable should only be set if the text representation is more important than the text display.
  • Set to 0 to disable license creation.
  • Set to 1 to enable password licenses.
  • Set to 2 to enable certificate licenses.
  • Set to 4 to enable Everyone Licenses.
  • Set to 7 to enable all types of licenses.
  • The default is 7 (all types of licenses).
MS_REF_DEFAULTATTACHDIRECTORYIf this variable is set, the reference attachment dialog defaults to this directory, rather then the directory of last attached reference.
MS_REF_DEFAULTSETTINGSThis variable controls the default settings for reference attachments. It is set to a comma separated list of key=value pairs, for example:

snap=1, locate=0, truescale=1, scalelinestyles=0, Recognized keys and values include display=0|1, snap=0|1, locate=0|1, useLights=0|1, saverelativepath=0|1, scalelinestyle=0|1, ignorewhennesting=0|1, displayrasterrefs=0|1, displayboundary=0|1, nestmode=livecopynest, nestDepth=value, attachmethod=coincidentworld.

MS_REF_REATTACH_LEVEL_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LISTThis variable controls the list of level-attributes that will synchronize when a reference is reattached. The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list:

OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, Lock, Plot

MS_DISALLOWFULLREFPATHWhen set to 1, MicroStation does not save the full path to references. By default, MicroStation stores both an abbreviated (portable) path and the full path to references. The full path will be wrong if the directory structure for a project is changed or if a different file server drive letter is used, so it can cause inconsistent reference file location in those situations. Therefore, some sites prefer that the full path not be saved. (MS_DISALLOWFULLREFPATH)
MS_REF_NEWLEVELDISPLAYWhen set to 1, MicroStation displays newly created levels in references. By default, when new levels are created in a model that is referenced by another model, the new levels are not displayed when the referencing model is opened. Newly created levels are considered to be new until "Save settings" is performed. Recognizing new levels and controlling their display is only possible when using the MicroStation V8 file format for both the reference and the master file.
MS_NEST_COLORADJUSTMENTIf not set, the color adjustment for the top level reference controls the color adjustment for all nested references. When set to any value, nested reference color adjustments at each level are multiplied to get the net adjustment. For example, with C attached to B with a saturation adjustment of 80%, and B attached to A with a saturation adjustment of 70%, C will display in A with a saturation adjustment of 56% if MS_NEST_COLORADJUSTMENT is defined, and with saturation adjustment of 70% if it is not.
MS_REF_DONTHILITEFORMANIPBy default, MicroStation hilites all elements in a reference file when the reference is manipulated (move, rotate, scale, etc.) If MS_REF_DONTHILITEFORMANIP is set to any value, this hiliting is disabled. This can speed up reference manipulations, but it is more difficult to tell which references are getting manipulated.
MS_IMAGE_EDITORDefault program to be used to edit an image file. This program is activated by double-clicking in the preview area of the Map Editor dialog.
MS_MATERIAL_PREVIEW_BACKGROUNDImage to be used for the background of material previews in the Material Editor.
MS_RENDERV7MATERIALSIf set to 1, materials are rendered as they were in V7. Most affected are translucency, transparency, specularity, and diffuse as applied to pattern maps.
MS_SECURITY_LEVELThis is the security level for loading and running application in MicroStation. Set to NONE to disable security checking. Set to LOW to allow any MDL or other applications to be loaded and used. Set to MEDIUM to allow only applications that are digitally signed by Bentley or by a certificate identified by MS_SECURTIY_SPC. Set to HIGH to allow only applications signed by Bentley. The default is NONE.
MS_SECURITY_SPCThis is the path where MicroStation can find the Software Publishing Certificates that were used to digitally sign the applications that can be loaded in MEDIUM security level. The default is null.
Standards Checker
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_SETTINGSFILEIf this variable is set, the specified file is always is always used for Standards checking.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_SETTINGSNAMEIf this variable is set, the specified names settings are always used for Standards checking.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_OUTDefault directory for Standards Checker.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_STYLESHEETIf this variable is set, it specifies the XML Style sheet that is used to view the Standards Checker XML report. The variable can be either a file or URI (Universal Resource Identifier) that can be used by the browser to locate the style sheet. If this variable is not set, the XML Style sheet in $(USTN_WORKSPACEROOT)system\datat\standardschecker.xsl is used.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_APPSThe list of MDL applications that are loaded when the Standards Checker is started.
MS_VBAV8TOV7FILTERSpecifies the name of a VBA macro that sets up a translation filter when translating a DGN from V8 to V7 format.
MS_VBAV8TOV7DIALOGSpecifies the name of a VBA macro that opens a dialog to collect information to be used in translating a DGN file from V8 to V7 format.



The table below lists other variables in the MicroStation 2004 Edtiton that are also available in MicroStation V8 versions 8.0 and 8.1.
_USTN_SYSTEMTABLESSpecifies the root directory for system table directories.
_USTN_RASTERTABLESpecifies the location of the Units.ini file, used to upgrade MS/J Raster Manager projects to V8.
_USTN_CUSTOMIZEBASEIDSpecifies a base number at which Customize will begin generating ids for user-created resources. After this value has been set, Customize will not create any resources with a resource id lower lower than this value.
_USTN_RMGR_MAXFILEPTRSSpecifies the maximum number of operating system file pointers that the Resource Manager will use internally to manipulate all its logical resource file handles. In version 5, this value was fixed at 6. Starting in version 5.5, the new default is 12 but can be overridden by this configuration variable.
PZIP_OUTSpecifies the default directory for creation of Packager files.
MS_DATADirectory for data files created/used by MicroStation.
MS_OLDUSERLICENSEFile containing old user license information. Necessary for an upgrade installation.
MS_USERLICENSEFile containing user license information.
_DGNFILEName of the current Design File. Not editable.
_DGNDIRDirectory containing the current Design File. Not editable.
MS_CMDWINDRSCMicroStation command window resource file. If not defined, use default.
MS_GUIHANDIdentifies auxiliary handlers.
MS_HELPLOAD_SERVERSpecifies the root location of the Help content.
MS_HELPLOAD_APPLICATIONDetermines which application help is based on. Current options are HTMLHelp (default), or StaticWeb. StaticWeb refers to static HTML pages on a website.
MS_HELPPATHMicroStation help path
MS_RIGHTLOGICKBIf set equal to 1, support typing from right to left. Used for foreign language support.
MS_RSRCMain MicroStation resource, typically set to "ustation.rsc".
MS_DGNOUTDirectory containing design files created from "on the fly" translations.
_USTN_ALTCHARTRANAlternate character translation table.
MS_DEFCHARTRANDefault character translation table.
MS_CODESETMDL application for handling multi-byte character sets.
MS_JAVA_SSSets the maximum native stack size for any thread. This is similar to the "-ss" command line option to "java.exe".
MS_JAVA_OSSSets the maximum Java/Jmdl stack size for any thread. This is similar to the "-oss" command line option to "java.exe".
CLASSPATHSearch path used to find Java/JMDL classes.
MS_OPENDESIGNFILEFILTERIf this variable is set, then MicroStation Manager and the Open Design File dialog will use the value as the initial filter. An example value is "*.*".
MS_SMARTSOLIDThe directory containing the SmartSolid subsystem.
MS_ARCHIVESearch path(s) for Archive Files.
MS_ARCHIVECLASSSearch path(s) for Archive Class Files.
MS_KEYPAIRLISTDigital Signature KeyPair file list.
MS_CELLSearch path(s) for cell libraries.
MS_CELLLISTList of cell library files to be searched for cells if not found in the current library. May contain wildcards.
MS_CELLSELECTORDIRDirectory for Cell Selector button configuration (.csf) files.
MS_CELLSELECTORDefault Cell Selector button configuration file.
MS_CELLOUTDefault directory when creating new cell libraries.
MS_MENUCell library name for finding menu cells.
MS_DEFCTBLDefault color table if the design file has none.
MS_RMENCTBLDefault menu colors (dialogs, dialog borders, etc.) for the right screen. File specification pointing to a color table (.tbl) file.
MS_LMENCTBLDefault menu colors (dialogs, dialog borders, etc.) for the left screen. File specification pointing to a color table (.tbl) file.
MS_USERPREF_APPSSet by application configuration files to add user preferences to standard dialogs.
MSDIRThe MicroStation root installation directory.
MSLOCALSpecifies the base directory path for where the required writable portions (i.e. local for a network install) of MicroStation are installed.
_USTN_DEFUSERINTNAMESubdirectory under "_USTN_USERINT" that actually contains the default user interface resource modification files.
_USTN_USERINTNAMESubdirectory under "_USTN_USERINT" that actually contains the user interface resource modification files,
_USTN_USERINTROOTRoot directory containing product-specific interface directories.
_USTN_USERINTUser interface data directory.
_USTN_PROJECTNAMEMicroStation base project name.
_USTN_USERCFGMicroStation user configuration file name.
_USTN_USERNAMEMicroStation base user name.
_USTN_USERDESCRDescription of current user configuration.
_USTN_DEFAULTUSER_CFG_FILEBase name of the configuration file that holds the default user name.
_USTN_USERDirectory containing MicroStation user configuration files.
_USTN_PROJECTCFGName of project configuration file.
_USTN_PROJECTDESCRDescription of current project configuration.
MS_USERPREFName of user preference resource file.
_USTN_UIPATHSearch path for user interface modification resources.
_USTN_PROJECTDATADirectory containing project-specific data.
_USTN_PROJECTSROOTDirectory containing project-specific sub-directories.
_USTN_PROJECTDirectory containing MicroStation project configuration files.
_USTN_DATABASEDirectory containing MicroStation database configuration files.
_USTN_SITEDirectory containing MicroStation site configuration files.
_USTN_APPLDirectory containing MicroStation application configuration.
_USTN_WORKSPACEROOTRoot directory containing all workspace files.
_USTN_SYSTEMROOTDirectory containing system workspace files.
_USTN_SYSTEMDirectory containing MicroStation system configuration files.
_USTN_DATABASECFGMicroStation database configuration file name.
_USTN_DATABASENAMEBase name of current database configuration file.
_VERSION80Indicates that the current product's version number is 8.x.
_PLATFORMNAMEShort name of this platform. Useful for building platform-specific sub-directories.
_WORKDIRDirectory where MicroStation was started.
_USTN_LICENSINGDefines the location of product licensing folder. 
_USTN_HOMEROOTDefines the root location for Bentley product-specific data that is unique to a computer or workstation.
_USTN_HOMEPREFSDefines the location of home (or local) preferences.
_USTN_DOCUMENTATIONROOTDefines the root location for product documentation.
_USTN_CAPABILITYDefines one or more capabilities in MicroStation that are to be restricted.
_USTN_BENTLEYROOTDefines the root directory for Bentley product suite.
_USTN_WORKSPACEROOTRoot directory containing all workspace files.
_USTN_PROJECTSUBDIRSList of subdirectories automatically created for a new project.
_ROOTDIRLocation (directory) of the MicroStation executable.
_USTN_OUTBase directory for MicroStation output files.
_USTN_CHARTRANDirectory containing character translation tables.
_USTN_NEWDGNFILEList of MDL applications to be reloaded each time a new design file is opened, except when it is the first design file.
_USTN_FIRSTDGNFILEList of MDL applications that are loaded on startup after the user selects an initial design file.
_USTN_REQUIREDAPPSList of MDL applications that are required to be loaded while MicroStation is running.
_USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARSIf set, all configuration variables (including those of the format _USTN_xxx) will be displayed.
_ENGINENAMEThe name of the Foundation Product (e.g., MicroStation).
_MICROSTATIONSet if product is MicroStation.
_INTELNTSet if operating system is Windows.
_WINNTSet if operating system is Windows NT. (_winNT).
MS_SESSION_DEBUGUsed to start session debug prior to the loading of the database server. By setting this configuration variable, you can receive immediate debug information from the consumer DLL. MS_SESSION_DEBUG can be used with all the database servers. A value of 1 enables receipt of debug information from the database server and the corresponding DLL - ORACLE, ODBC, or OLEDB. A value of 0 enables receipt of debug information only from the DLL.
MS_ORACLE_HOMESet to establish where Oracle files are located. If the variable is not defined the system and registry are checked to find the Oracle home.
MS_DBASESearch path(s) for database files.
MS_UDLDIRPoints to the directory, which contains the Universal Data Link files (.UDL). The .UDL files contain the connection strings to a particular data source. The default directory is ...\Bentley\program\microstation\database\oledb\udl
MS_SERVER_MDLApplication to load the database server
MS_DBEXTThe database server application server.
MS_LINKTYPEWARNING: This configuration variable is reset by the database configuration files. Changes should be made in the ODBC.cfg, the OLEDB.cfg or the Oracle.cfg files. The variable is the User data linkage types recognized by the server. The first one listed is the linkage type that will be created. Possible values are "DMRS", "ORACLE", "OLEDB", and "ODBC"
Data Files
MS_CUSTOMUNITDEFDefines the location of the unit definition file that can be used when upgrading pre-V8 files to V8 DGN files.
MS_HTMLDGNDIRDirectory containing template design files used by the HTML Author to generate cell images for HTML documents.
MS_SETTINGSCurrent settings resource file.
MS_SETTINGSOUTDIRDirectory used to create settings resource files.
MS_SETTINGSDIRDirectory containing settings resource files.
Design History
MS_DESIGN_HISTORYValid keywords: create, delete, commit, browse. Set keyword=1 to enable or 0 to disable. Separate multiple settings by ";" Default: MS_DESIGN_HISTORY=create=1;delete=0;commit=1;browse=1 Example: MS_DESIGN_HISTORY=delete=1. This allows users to delete design history
Engineering Links
MS_WEBLIB_HISTORYSpecifies the history file for the Weblib shared library.
MS_BOOKMARKS_IMAGESpecifies the bookmark file for remote images
MS_BOOKMARKS_RSCSpecifies the bookmark file for remote resource files.
MS_BOOKMARKS_ARCHIVESpecifies the bookmark file for remote archives.
MS_BOOKMARKS_CELLSpecifies the bookmark file for remote cell libraries.
MS_BOOKMARKS_DGNSpecifies the bookmark file for remote design files.
MS_REFAGENTDATASpecifies a file containing URL information for the Reference Agent.
MS_WEBKIOSKMODESet to 1 for Kiosk mode.
MS_WEBTYPESFILESpecifies a file containing special handling instructions for various file types.
MS_WEBFILES_DIRSpecifies the directory in which copies of remote files are stored.
MS_WEBDOWNLOADDIRSets the directory in which WWW downloads are stored.
MS_BROWSERMAKECHILDWINDOWWhen set to 1, the current browser is reparented inside of the MicroStation main window, allowing the viewer to always be seen.
MS_USEEXTERNALBROWSERSet to Netscape or IExplore in order to use an external browser.
MS_DWG_COMMANDPREFIXThis can be set to a character or string of characters that can be used as a shortcut to the AutoCAD key-in commands.
MS_DWGDATALocal directory to store DWG settings file.
MS_DWGSAVEAPPLICATIONDATAChanges have been made so that both linkage data and type 66 application elements can be saved from DGN to DWG. This data is also maintained within a DWG file. This variable is off by default and can be enabled by setting the MS_DWGSAVEAPPLICATIONDATA configuration variable. The application elements are stored as XRECORDS and the linkages as XDATA, although this implementation detail is transparent to DGN based applications.
MS_NO_DWG_BACKUPEnables/disables the creation of a backup.
MS_DWG_BACKUPSpecifies the location of the backup file, if it is not set it will go the same folder as current DWG file
MS_DWG_CREATE_SPACE_FROM_EDFIf set to 1 will cause empty edf's to be left as spaces.
MS_DWG_PGPFILEUsed to locate the AutoCAD alias file for workstations that do not have an AutoCAD installation. If AutoCAD is installed, USTN will automatically locate the PGP file in the appropriate AutoCAD sub-folder.
MS_DWGFONTPATHDefines the path of AutoCAD fonts if AutoCAD is not installed.
MS_DWGSEEDDefines the DWG seed file used when opening AutoCAD files.
MS_DWGPATFILEDefines full path file name containing AutoCAD Pattern definitions.
MS_ACADDIRUsed to find DWG support files such as fonts.
MS_BLOCKLISTDefines the list of DWG/DXF files to be searched for AutoCAD blocks
MS_DWGREF_ALLOWMASTERCOLORSDefines how MicroStation uses color tables for DWG or DXF files attached as references. If not defined, DWG/DXF references are always displayed using the active reference file's color table.

If set to 1, the color tables for DWG or DXF references are handled as they are for DGN references; they are controlled by the Use Color Table setting (Workspace > Preferences > Reference category). When "Use Color Table" is on, the elements in each reference are displayed using the reference's color table. When "Use Color Table" is off, the elements in each reference are displayed using the active design file's color table. .

MS_TEXT_AUTOSTACKFRACTIONS_ALIGNMENTSets the alignment for stacked fractions, when the Fractions advanced text style setting is on. Values are:
  • 1 = Top
  • 2 = Center (Normal for DWG files. The default if the configuration variable is not defined.)
  • 3 = Bottom
MS_TEXT_AUTOSTACKFRACTIONS_TYPESets the type for stacked fractions, when the Fractions advanced text style setting is on. Values are:
  • 1 = Normal
  • 2 = Diagonal (Normal for DWG files. The default if the configuration variable is not defined.)
  • Normal Center
MS_TEXT_STACKFRACTIONS_SCALEThe value is the percentage scale factor for stacked fractions. (70 is normal for DWG files, and is the default if this configuration variable if not defined.)
File Saving
MS_V7AUTOSAVEDetermines the frequency, in seconds of the auto-save timer for V7 format files. For example, If set to 300 (the default), an auto-save will occur approximately 5 minutes after the first change to the design. The minimum value is 30 seconds.
MS_V7AUTOSAVE_NODIALOGV7 format files take far longer than V8 format design files to save. Therefore, by default MicroStation displays a dialog box allowing the user to defer the auto-save operation. If this configuration variable is set, this dialog is skipped and auto-save occurs automatically.
MS_V7BACKUPV8If this variable is set when working on a V7 DGN file, MicroStation will automatically create a backup file in V8 format every time you save. This provides a fallback in cases where you inadvertently create information that cannot be represented in the V7 format. This variable specifies a "template" that is used to create the backup filename. If you simply set the value to 'true', a file in the same directory as the original with the extension '.v8' is created.
MS_DWGAUTOSAVEDetermines the frequency, in second of the auto-save timer for DWG and DXF format files. For example, If set to 300 (the default), and auto-save will occur approximately 5 minutes after the first change to the design. The minimum value is 30 seconds.
MS_LEVEL_LIB_DIRDirectory containing level data files.
MS_V7_LEVEL_NAME_PREFIXPrefix to apply to un-named Levels when a V7 file is converted to V8.
MS_V7TOV8_CSVNAMECSV File which controls how levels are mapped when a V7 file is converted to V8.
MS_V7TOV8_DELETE_UNUSED_LEVELSIf set to 1, then all unused levels are deleted when a V7 file is converted to V8. This variable is ignored if "V7 to V8 Level CSV File (MS_V7TOV8_CSVNAME)" variable is set.
MS_LEVEL_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LISTAffects the "dgnlib update levels custom" & "reference synchronize levels custom" key-ins. This variable controls the list of level-attributes that will synchronize when any of the above key-in is executed. The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list : OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, Lock, Plot Each of the above attributes can take a "Reference" or "Library" prefix. Without the prefix, the said attribute will be synchronized for both reference & library levels.
MS_REF_REATTACH_LEVEL_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LISTThis variable controls the list of level-attributes that will synchronize when a reference is reattached. The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list : OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, Lock, Plot.
MS_UPDATE_KEEP_UNUSED_LIBRARY_LEVELSControls if unused library levels will be kept or deleted on a "dgnlib update levels" command. If is not set or set to "0" then unused library levels will be deleted on executing a "dgnlib update levels" command. If set to "1" then unused library levels will be kept.
MDL Development
MS_RDE_SYSINCSpecifies text to be inserted at the beginning of the command line by the resource compiler DLM. This is generally used to specify where to search for include files.
MS_DBGSOURCEUsed by the debuggers to find source code for JMDL classes and MDL applications.
MS_MDLTRACEIf set to 1, additional debugging print statements will be provided when debugging MDL applications.
MS_DEBUGFAULTIf set to 1, automatically invoke the debugger when a fault is detected while an MDL application is active. This works regardless of whether or not the application's debug information was previously loaded.
MS_DEBUGIf set to an integer with bit 1 on, do not time out.
MS_TRAPException handling flag. Set to "NONE", "MDL", or "ALL"; Default = "ALL".
MS_DGNAPPSList of all design file MDL Applications.
MS_BASICEXT_LOADList of MDL applications that implement extensions to the BASIC language.
MS_INITAPPSList of all initial start up MDL Applications.
MS_OLESERVE_EMBED_REFFILESIf set, references will be embedded along with the main dgn file.
MS_AUTORESTORESTATUSBARIf set to 1, the status bar will restore its default appearance whenever the mouse enters it.
MS_FKEYMNUFunction key menu file.
MS_ACCUDRAWKEYSText file listing AccuDraw shortcut keys.
MS_SAVEMENUFile where MicroStation stores information about attached menus.
MS_APPMENLocation of application and sidebar menus.
MS_WORKSPACEOPTSIf set to 0 (default), the workspace options are displayed on the MicroStation Manager dialog box. If set to 1, the workspace options are displayed but disabled. If set to 2, the workspace options are hidden and the dialog box is resized.
MS_USECOMMANDWINDOWIf set to 0, MicroStation will be locked in the status bar interface. If set to 1, MicroStation will be locked in the command window interface. If not set (default), user can choose interface style from MicroStation Manager.
MS_FILEHISTORYIf set equal to 1, save the last several files and directories for each file type. If set equal to 0, no file histories will be maintained.
MS_READONLYIf set, design file will be read only.
MS_WORKMODEWork mode activates/disables certain functions in order to produce a more compatible design file at the end. Setting this variable to DWG will disable some creation tools that may result in elements to be incompatible to DWG file format. Similarly setting it to V7 will restrict creation tools for pre-V8 file compatibility. Setting the variable to DGN (default) will gain full functional capacity creating elements. Must restart MicroStation to take effect of a changed value.
MS_DISALLOWFULLREFPATHWhen set to 1, the ability to save a Reference with its full path is disallowed. This variable affects the "Save Full Path" toggle for both the Attach Settings and Attach Reference dialog boxes for References. This also affects the "Store Full Path When Attached" toggle under the category Reference for the User Preference dialog. Also the Drawing Composition dialog's "Save Full Path" toggle is affected.
MS_IMMEDIATEUPDATEIf set to 1, windows will update immediately when other windows are moved or resized over them.
MS_OPENV7Controls the behavior when opening V7 format files:

0: open with alert dialog (default)
1: upgrade V7 to V8, no alert dialog
2: open V7 as read-only, no alert dialog
3: open V7 for read/write and set workmode to V7, no alert dialog

MS_DISABLE_FILE_ICONSWhen turned on, this configuration variable will disable the file open icons in MicroStation Manager and File > Open dialogs.
MS_DISABLE_FILE_THUMBNAILWhen turned on, this configuration variable will disable the file preview thumbnail images in MicroStation Manager and File > Open dialogs.
MS_CMDTABLE_LOADList of MDL Applications that will have their key-in tables auto-loaded.
Primary Search Paths
MS_DGNLIBLISTList of DGN files which are used as resource for your current session.
MS_DEFSearch Path for design files.
MS_RFDIRSearch path for references.
MS_MDLAPPSSearch path for MDL applications that are displayed in the MDL dialog box.
MS_MDLSearch path for MDL applications or external programs loaded by MDL applications.
MS_MACROSearch path for macros.
MS_RSRCPATHSearch path for resource files loaded by MDL applications.
MS_LIBRARY_PATHSearch path for dynamic link libraries.
MS_FILTER_LIB_DIRDirectory containing filter data files.
MS_PLTRName of the default printer driver (.plt) file that describes printer features, if the most-recently-used .plt file is not defined. Note that in some circumstances, this variable is used both as a search path and as a default printer driver file.
MS_PLOTINISearch path for saved print configuration.
MS_PENTABLESearch path for pen tables.
MS_BATCHPLT_SPECSName of the .spc file containing batch printing specifications.
MS_BATCHPLT_JOBSET_DIRName of the directory containing batch printing job files. Defining this variable may be useful if different batch print job directories are used for different workspaces. If this variable is undefined, the batch print 'open' and 'save as' dialogs will default to the most recently used job filename regardless of the workspace.
MS_PLTDLG_UNLOADONCLOSEControls whether the print dialog is unloaded when its window is closed. If "1" or undefined, the print dialog application unloads itself when its dialog is closed, and all settings revert to their defaults when the dialog is reopened. If this variable is set to "0", the application remains loaded after the window is closed, and certain settings are retained when the print dialog is reopened. For consistent behavior of the print dialog, it's recommended that this variable be undefined. Note that selecting File > Exit from the print dialog menu always unloads the application.
  • Set to 0 to disable file protection (default)
  • Set to 1 to enable password or certificate protection
  • Set to 2 to enable password protection
  • Set to 3 to enable certificate protection
MS_PROTECTION_PASSWORD_MIXEDA password containing a mixture of letters and numbers.
MS_PROTECTION_PASSWORD_MIMIMUMSets the minimum length of a file protection password. The default is 5.
MS_PROTECTION_NOENCRYPT_THUMBNAILThe thumbnail is an image of the last used view of the design file. The image is displayed by Windows File Explorer and MicroStation Manager.
MS_PROTECTION_NOENCRYPT_PROPERTIESSet to 1, tells the Protect command to leave file properties unencrypted or set to 0 to allow Protect encrypt file properties.
MS_PROTECTION_V8_COMPATIBILITYSet to 1, tells MicroStation XM Edition to encrypt a file so that earlier versions can decrypt it. This option leaves the new kinds of data that only XM understands unprotected.
MS_REFCOLORTABLEIf defined and set to 1, MicroStation always uses the reference's color table. If defined and set to any value other than 1, MicroStation never uses the reference's color table. If not defined, MicroStation uses the user preference to determine whether or not to use the reference's color table.
MS_REF_CYCLECHECKIf set to 0, MicroStation skips the circular reference check for DGN files. This variable does not affect DWG files.
MS_REF_FULLPATHFIRSTWhen set MicroStation will look in the full path first. 1=on, 0=off
MS_LIGHTLISTDirectory that lists the location of predefined lights.
MS_INGRFILE_REGISTRATIONSets File Georeference priority over attachment location for Intergraph raster formats, essentially CIT, C29, C30, C31, COT, RLE, TG4 and RGB raster formats. If undefined or set to 0, there is no effect. If set to 1, enables File Georeference priority for rasters.
MS_RASTER_ INTERACTIVE_MODIFYIf undefined or set to any value other than 1, will not enter the Raster Modify command after interactively attaching a raster. If defined and set to 1, enters the Raster Modify command after interactively attaching a raster.
MS_RASTER_1BIT_WORKMODEIf set to 1, harmonizes monochrome raster display so they are handled like Raster Reference attachments (Raster Reference was the default module provided with MicroStation/J that handled raster display, previous to Raster Manager for MicroStation v8). If undefined or set to 0, has no effect.
MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSCALE: If defined and set to 1, a raster without georeference which is attached without the use of the "Place interactively" toggle has the following scale assigned: scale factor = MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSCALE. The pixel size is deduced from the scale factor and dpi.
If undefined, a raster without georeference which is attached without the use of the "Place interactively" toggle has the following scale assigned: 1 pixel = 1 sub-unit. The scale factor is deduced from pixel size and dpi.
If defined and set to any other value, the value is invalid and MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSCALE is ignored (same behavior as undefined).
MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSISTERIf set to 0 or 1, the default sister file will be HGR. If set to 2, the default sister file will be WorldFile.
MS_RASTER_EPSGTABLE_PATHEnables geotiff positioning using the location parameters found in ASCII files provided on request. The required ASCII files are:
  • CoordSysData.txt
  • ProjectionData.txt
  • UnitsData.txt
If undefined or set to 0, hard coded tables are used for Geotiff positioning. If set to 1, ASCII files are used for Geotiff positioning.
MS_RASTER_NO_DETACH_CONFIRMIf defined and set to 0, display an alert dialog asking to confirm the raster detachment(s). If undefined or set to 1, do not display an alert dialog asking to confirm the raster detachment(s).
MS_RASTER_NOSHARING: Manages the automatic creation of .sharing.tmp files required for the concurrent access of the same raster file by various instances of the MicroStation application. If undefined or set to 0, .sharing.tmp files are always generated. If set to 1, .sharing.tmp file generation is disabled.
MS_RASTER_OPTIONAL_HTTPPORTThis variable allows to add another port. For example, if the variable is set to "MS_RASTER_OPTIONAL_HTTPPORT_8085", Raster Manager will try this port first. If it is not successful, Raster Manager will try the default port.
MS_RASTER_SAVEAUTOEnables Raster Manager Automatic Save mode, which means the user will not be prompted to update rasters for changes made to the location info of the file when closing the DGN or when detaching the raster. If undefined or set to 0, SaveAuto is disabled. If set to 1, SaveAuto is enabled.
MS_MTBLSearch path(s) for material tables.
MS_MATERIALSearch path(s) for material palettes.
MS_PATTERNSearch path(s) for pattern maps.
MS_BUMPSearch path(s) for bump maps.
MS_IMAGESearch path(s) for images.
MS_IMAGEOUTDirectory where created images will be stored.
MS_SHADOWMAPDirectory where shadow maps will be read from and written to.
MS_LIGHTINGDirectory where IES lighting data will be read from.
MS_RENDERLOGFile name for recording rendering statistics.
MS_PTDIRWorking directory for temporary Particle Tracing files.
MS_VIEWGROUPSEEDName of file containing seed view group for models without a view group.
MS_VIEWGROUPSEEDNAMEName of seed view group for models without a view group.
MS_DWGSEEDName of seed file used to create DWG file.
MS_SEEDFILESSearch path(s) for all seed files.
MS_DESIGNSEEDDefault seed file for creating design files.
MS_TRANSEEDDefault seed file used for DWG, CGM, and IGES translations.
MS_CELL_SEEDFILESeed file used when creating or upgrading cell libraries.
MS_SHEETSEEDSeed file used when creating drawing sheets.
MS_USERPREFSEEDName of seed file used to create user preference resource file.
MS_DESIGNMODELSEEDName of file containing seed model for new design models.
MS_DESIGNMODELSEEDNAMEName of seed model for new design models.
MS_SHEETMODELSEEDName of file containing seed model for new sheet models.
MS_SHEETMODELSEEDNAMEName of seed model for new sheet models.
MS_DWGSHEETMODELSEEDName of file containing seed model for new sheet models in DWG files.
MS_DWGSHEETMODELSEEDNAMEName of seed model for new sheet models in DWG files.
MS_SPELLINGUSERDICTIONARYSpecifies the user dictionary.
MS_SPELLINGLANGUAGESpecifies the language. Valid languages are as follows: AmericanEnglish, BritishEnglish, Brazilian (Brazilian Portuguese), Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish.
MS_SPELLINGDICTIONARYPATHSpecifies the directory to search for core dictionaries.
MS_SYMBRSRCA list of symbology resource files. Files are opened in the order they appear in the list. The last one in the list has the highest priority. If undefined, MicroStation looks in the current resource path for a file called "mssymb.rsc".
MS_TAGOUTPUTOutput directory for general tags data.
MS_TAGREPORTSOutput directory for tag data manager reports.
MS_TAGTEMPLATESDirectory containing tag data manager report templates.
MS_DWG_BACKUPDirectory for DWG backup (.bak) files. If not set they will be placed in the same directory as the DWG file.
MS_NO_DWG_BACKUPIf set, .bak files will not be created when a DWG or DXF file is edited.
MS_BACKUPDefault directory for backup files.
MS_TMPDirectory containing temporary files that are created and deleted.
MS_SCRDirectory for scratch files.
MS_CGMINInput directory for CGM translations.
MS_CGMOUTOutput directory for CGM translations.
MS_CGMLOGOutput directory for CGM log file.
MS_CGMTABLESDirectory containing the CGM translation tables.
MS_CGMINSETSettings file for the CGMIN application.
MS_CGMOUTSETSettings file for the CGMOUT application.
MS_IGESINInput directory for IGES translations.
MS_IGESOUTOutput directory for IGES translations.
MS_IGESLOGOutput directory for IGES log files.
MS_IGESINSETSettings file for the IGESIN application.
MS_IGESOUTSETSettings file for the IGESOUT application.
MS_STEPOUTOutput directory for Step translations.
MS_STEPLOGOutput directory for Step log files.
MS_ROSEDBRose database directory.
User Command Category (unsupported)
MS_UCMSearch path(s) for user commands.
MS_INITName of a user command to be executed at startup.
MS_EXITName of a user command to be executed at exit.
MS_NEWFILEName of a user command to be executed when a new design file is opened.
MS_APPSearch path(s) of applications started from "TSK" statement in user commands.
MS_VBASAVEONRUNIf set to 1, MicroStation automatically saves modified VBA projects everytime it starts running a VBA program.
MS_VBAAUTOLOADPROJECTSNames of the projects that are opened when the VBA dialog box is opened.
MS_VBASEARCHDIRECTORIESDirectories that are searched when opening an existing VBA project.
MS_VBANEWPROJECTDIRECTORYDirectory that is used when a new project is created.