Error in Cube GIS Window: "The spatial index grid size is invalid."

Hi All,

I want to do the following in the Cube GIS window:

  1. Draw a new link, copying attributes from an existing link
  2. Split the new link into two links
  3. Drag the node at the split point to a new location

But when I try to do move the node at the split point, I get this error:

This error does NOT occur if I try to split then move the split point on an existing link. It only affects when I try to do it on a newly-drawn link.

I have tried the following, without any luck:

  • Saving edits before trying to move the node
  • Saving edits, restarting Cube, then trying to move the node.

System information:

  • Cube version: 6.5.0 CE, installed on 6/30/2021
  • OS: Windows 10

    This problem is still unresolved but I have done additional information: If I import the NET into the file geodatabase and do not set a projection, then I do not have any of the issues above, i.e., I can successfully move notes, split links, and add bends to links without errors. The problem with this, however, is that without setting a projection I can not add a basemap layer (e.g. streetmap, satellite map, etc.).

    So now my question is: How can I import a NET network into a geodatabase, project it so that it properly displays on a basemap, and not get the "spatial grid" error described in my initial post?


  • When you apply the projection, you have to make sure that you are using the same projection in which the original network was created in. Which region does the network belong to?

  • Hi Ahmed,

    The network is in Sacramento, CA. The EPSG we use is 2226 ( This projection is what we normally use in for all of our GIS work, and so far it is the only projection that will get the network to appear in the correct location on the basemap. When loading the NET, I have tried specifying this projection via a PRJ file and by selecting from drop-down menu, but it always results in the "spatial grid" error when I try editing it.

  • Try the following:

    1. Export the network links to a polyline shape file from CUBE. (File > export)

    2. If you have ArcGIS or QGIS, use the tool 'Define Projection' to define the projection to EPSG 2226 for the exported shape file.

    3. Open the shape file in CUBE/ArcGIS/QGIS and add a base map and see if the shape file sits in the right location.

    If the shape file does not sit in the right location, then try re-defining the projection to other other projections (other CA zones) and see if it works.

    If the shape file falls in the right location with EPSG 2226, then there could be some other problem in the import process in CUBE. I suggest file a support request at

  • Hi Ahmed,

    I tried the steps 1-3 you outline above. It maps correctly, but I'm now back to getting the "spatial index grid size" error I originally posted about.

    I'm putting in a support request through the link you put above, going to the grid icon > My services > service request

  • Hi Everyone,

    After working with and experimenting, I finally found a solution that worked for me:

    1. Open new MXD
    2. Load the network dataset (created from NET file, using PRJ file I sent you for set projection)
    3. THEN Load the basemap from ArcGIS server
      1. A critical finding is that I loaded the base map AFTER loading the network dataset. I even tested a few times with new MXDs, loading the network dataset then loading basemap, then vice-versa. I found that when I load the basemap before adding the network dataset, I get the “spatial grid” error, but I do not get the error if I load the network dataset first.
    4. Tested moving nodes, splitting links, adding links, adding nodes, adding bends to links multiple times, and was successful.

    Answer Verified By: Ahmed Mohideen 

  • Hi Everyone,

    After working with and experimenting, I finally found a solution that worked for me:

    1. Open new MXD
    2. Load the network dataset (created from NET file, using PRJ file I sent you for set projection)
    3. THEN Load the basemap from ArcGIS server
      1. A critical finding is that I loaded the base map AFTER loading the network dataset. I even tested a few times with new MXDs, loading the network dataset then loading basemap, then vice-versa. I found that when I load the basemap before adding the network dataset, I get the “spatial grid” error, but I do not get the error if I load the network dataset first.
    4. Tested moving nodes, splitting links, adding links, adding nodes, adding bends to links multiple times, and was successful.

    Answer Verified By: Ahmed Mohideen 

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