Does accessible space automatically calculate in more recent versions of Legion? (Current: CONNECT Edition Update 2)


I've been having difficulty with the Mode Builder being extremely slow, freezing for several seconds after any changes.

After two days of trying to streamline, optimise and reimport the CAD, I've come to realise that the accessible space visualisation button works almost instantly, where I would have expected it to take 10+ seconds in the past. Meanwhile every change is as slow as it used to be when I had accessible spaces visible.

My theory: accessible space is being calculated every time I change anything.

My questions are therefore A) is that correct? B) Why?! C) Is there some way to turn that off?

Many thanks!

  • Update: I've sat here with a stopwatch timing how long it takes for Legion to fully register changes. It currently makes no difference in my Model Builder whether accessible spaces are visible or not, same input lag. Fairly confident accessible space is the issue, and it's made the model all but unworkable.


  • Hi Dariush,

    Your accessible space theory is correct but not because you visible it.

    The main impact to accessible space calculation is CAD layout. The heavy CAD layout causes heavy accessible space calculation.

    You can check the model file size if it is bigger than the usual model (over 70 MB.)

    To fix this you have to go back to the CAD layout process, 

    - try to delete unnecessary lines such as the duplicated overlapping one.

    - delete text, objects, or many CAD details which not represent the pedestrian context.

    Please clean it up as much as you can. Then reimport to the model. The file size should reduce a lot and everything will now faster.

    BTW for your question about how to turn accessible space off, there is a command icon called Accessible Space in the image below, where you can ON-OFF as you wish.

