How to convert OMX matrices from/to CUBE matrices

Note: suggested CUBE version 6.4.5 or later.

CONVERTMAT command allows to convert matrix files between the CUBE native 'TPP' format and the open matrix format 'OMX'.

The CONVERTMAT command should be used within a Pilot program with the following syntax:

Example of conversion from CUBE .MAT files to OMX is provided below:

convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/HW_LoopSkims01_OP.MAT" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/HW_LoopSkims01_OP.omx" compression = 1 format = omx
convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/HW_LoopSkims01_PK.MAT" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/HW_LoopSkims01_PK.omx" compression = 1 format = omx
convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/PT_LoopSk01_OP.MAT" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/PT_LoopSk01_OP.omx" compression = 1 format = omx
convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/PT_LoopSk01_PK.MAT" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}/PT_LoopSk01_PK.omx" compression = 1 format = omx

Example of conversion from OMX to CUBE .MAT format is provided below:

convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf31.omx" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf31.MAT" format = TPP ; "auto_trips_peak"
convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf32.omx" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf32.MAT" format = TPP ; "transit_trips_peak"
convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf33.omx" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf33.MAT" format = TPP ; "auto_trips_offpeak"
convertmat from = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf34.omx" to = "{SCENARIO_DIR}\mf34.MAT" format = TPP ; "transit_trips_offpeak"