How to export a Geodatabase network into a shapefile using a Network program?

Version(s):6.1 to 6.5

Cube has the capability to convert one file to different formats in a number of ways. In this example, you will be able to learn how to export a geodatabase to a shapefile. 


To export a Geodatabase (GDB or MDB) network into a shape file you just need to follow the steps below.

  1. Create a Network program with deafult structure in Application Manager.

  2. Left-click over the input “Link/Net.1” and select “Link to > Link to file…”, then browse to your GDB/MDB and select the input Cube dataset network (e.g. Cubetown.mdb/NoBuild).

  3. Righ click on the “Link File” (and “Node File”) output and select “New file”, browse to the location where to save them and type the output link (and node) file name with extension .SHP (e.g. Links.shp, Nodes.shp).

  4. Open the script file by double-clicking on “Script File” and enter the FILEO LINKO (and NODEO) subkeyword FORMAT=SHP.

  5. Save the script and close the script window, the run the program by double-clicking on it. You will obtain your shape file for the input Geodatabase network.

You can download a simple example here: