How to Load Raster Layer in Cube

Version(s):6.1 to 6.5
Area:Network Window

 we learned how to add ArcGIS online background layer to the CUBE GIS Window. What if you only have an NET and a raster layer of the project area? CUBE allows users the option to display a raster layer depicting real-world conditions such as existing roads, neighborhoods, parks, etc. You can perform this task in both the CUBE GIS and Network Windows. Please note that for this to work the network must be in the correct format for each window. For GIS Window, the network should be in geodatabase format ideally (GDB/MDB). For Network Window, it should be in Cube’s .NET format.


GIS Window

  1. In the Home tab, click Add Data icon
  2. Click on Raster Data
  3. Navigate to where the raster file is saved and open it. At this point, it is assumed the user has a raster file that has the same spatial reference as the road network. For further information on how to do this, please consult the following links. The first shows how to georeference the raster. The second shows how to use Google Earth and acquire a raster that has not been georeferenced yet.

Alternatively, users can use the Add Data icon located in the Editor toolbar and apply the same methodology listed earlier.

The GIS Window should display a similar visualization as below.

Network Window

Users can load a raster layer that aligns with the network within the Network Window by performing the following steps:

  1. Click on the Layer Control icon
  2. Double-click on Image
  3. Click on Browse
  4. Navigate to where the raster file is located by using the Look in drop-down box.
  5. Select the file and click Open or double-click the file.
  6. Click All Done or Return to Previous to save the changes to a virtual project file (VPR).

The raster should be able to load, aligning with the network if the correct spatial reference was used.