How to generate centroid connectors using Voyager scripting

This catalog provides an example of generating centroid connectors only using Voyager scripting:

The process:

To use the tool, you need to select your input network (that can be in a NET or a GDB/MDB file), and all the other specifications in the scenario panel, then you just click "Run":

The Network program n. 1 produces the Links and Nodes table from the input network.

The Matrix program n. 2 is the core of the tool. The script generate and output the centroid connectors, on the basis of what you specified within the scenario panel in terms of options. 

The Network program n. 3 merge the input network and the newly generated centroid connectors, creating an output NET file (binary network, without geometry)

If the input network is in GDB format, and you have selected the option to generate a GDB in output, then the output GDB network is generated in Network program n. 5