What's New in LEGION CONNECT Edition


Enhanced scenario management

In previous versions of LEGION Model Builder, Scenario Manager allowed batch creation of scaled versions of profiles (e.g. arrival or event profiles) but had the limitation that if the base profiles changed the scaled versions were not updated accordingly. Scenario management has been improved in LEGION Model Builder CONNECT Edition, to allow automatic update of scaled profiles when base profiles are modified. Using scaling to create new profiles which are then detached from the corresponding base profiles is still possible.

Ability to apply filters during map recording

LEGION Simulator CONNECT Edition brings the ability to record maps capturing only entities that match certain filters. This can be helpful in a variety of situations. For instance, it enables to record alighters but ignore boarders when creating maps that display platform clearance times, or to record only queueing entities when studying the spatial and temporal extent of queues.

Formal queue for gate objects

In previous versions of LEGION, entities approaching a ticket gate would form a funnel under high demand scenarios. In LEGION CONNECT Edition, for both Model Builder and Simulator, there is an additional option regarding queuing behavior, which makes entities create a formal queue before the ticket gate.

Waiting zone capacity

In LEGION CONNECT Edition, for both Model Builder and Simulator, Waiting zones now have a capacity parameter similarly with delay points. Once the maximum capacity is reached, entities heading to the waiting zone have to wait until some of the entities occupying the waiting zone depart.

Improved speed profiles

In LEGION CONNECT Edition, for both Model Builder and Simulator, we have revised some of our existing speed profiles with the intention to improve precision of profiles created from noisy data sets. At the same time we have made improvements to allow entity attributes such as gender to affect the speed profile assigned to each entity.