Input Preparation & Modelling

LEGION Model Builder is the input-handling and modelling application of LEGION's pedestrian simulation solution.  It lets you build pedestrian movement scenarios for simulation and analysis in LEGION Simulator.

With LEGION Model Builder, you can:

  1. Import CAD of target environments;
  2. Define different types of virtual people;
  3. Build entrances and exits for them to arrive from and leave by;
  4. Define profiles of the numbers in which they'll arrive over time;
  5. Connect different floors with stairs and escalators;
  6. Set up intermediate objectives, like queues, service points, ticket gates and waiting areas;
  7. Represent frequency-based and scheduled transport services for its virtual people to board and alight from; and even,
  8. Set up behaviour-modifying objects, dependent on live analyses, to enable conditional behaviour, based on changing circumstances.

Also, LEGION Model Builder Update 3 will be accompanied by LEGION CAD Prep, a tool to help users prepare this key input for use in LEGION, from 2D CAD drawings, or 3D BIM models, complete with a Drawing Composition Wizard, to guide users through the steps of laying out floor plans, helpfully and logically.