Introducing SACS CONNECT Edition V14.0 - SES

SACS CONNECT Edition V14.0 – SES release includes enhancements including

  1. Collapse Advanced Updates

    1. Launch Runner and Special Launch Runner Sections

      Collapse Advanced program now supports elastoplastic analysis of Launch Runner and Special Launch Runner sections. Using this feature large deformation elastoplastic stiffness and forces of members with Launch Runner and/or Special Launch Runner sections can be accurately included into collapse analysis. The results can be also reviewed in Collapse View.

    2. Multilinear Plastic Material

      Collapse Advanced now supports multilinear elastoplastic plastic materials in addition to standard bilinear elastoplastic model. This new feature can be used to model complex strain hardening and/or strain softening due to the material plasticity. The multilinear plastic material can be employed for members, plates, and piles using input lines MATGRP, MATPGR, and MATPLG, accordingly.

  2. ABS Panel Checks
    Stiffened plate panel checks as per the ‘Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures’, ABS, Apr 2004 (Upd. Aug 2018) have been implemented. Stiffener types supported are tees, angles and flat bars. Plate panels are checked for buckling and ultimate strength limits. Checks for beam-column buckling, flexural-torsional buckling and local buckling of stiffeners have been added. Panel elements are also checked for compliance with stiffness and proportion requirements.

  3. Wave Response can now read in displacement /velocity/ acceleration time history

    Wave Response can now read in displacement/velocity/acceleration time history input and include in analysis.

  4. Chartview modification of Y values

    Users can now modify Y values on the chart and save them.

  5. Precede Enhancements

    1. Updated Settings Dialog

    2. Updated Display and Labeling user interface

      Precede now has a new interface for both “Display Options” and “Labeling Options”. This interface is now in a docked window that can reside next to the graphics window for easier access and it does not interfere with the graphics.

    3. Display Marine Growth Zones

      Precede can now display marine growth zones

    4. Precede can now color sets

      A Set is a way of grouping elements that can be readily identified within the whole structure with a unique ID. A Set can be created with a combination of joints, members, member groups, plates, plate groups, shells, solids, and load conditions. Precede now allows the user to assign a color to each set for better visual display.

  6. GH Bladed Wind Turbine Process can now be executed on a LAN GRID (Tech Preview)


    SACS GH Bladed Wind Turbine Process on Bentley Grid allows the user to run multiple simulations concurrently while distributing the job on computers accessible on the user’s LAN domain.

    The Bentley Grid Analysis Service system consists of the SACS Executive driving the analysis process (Master), as it communicates with other computers (Nodes) on the LAN with SACS 14 installed.  These computers are used to run a number of concurrent processes submitted by the Executive and monitored for completion.

    SACS Executive will iterate through a list of registered node machines and communicate with the Bentley Grid Analysis Windows Service to submit simulations to execute on the remote machine.  When the analyses are finished, the Executive will download the necessary output files from the node and clean up the remote directory used to execute the analysis.