Vessel Modelling

I am a new user to MOSES. I have observed a webinars in which MOSES Hull Modelling & Hydrostatics & Motion Analysis module shows SACS Module as a part of MOSES. Generally whats the best way of modelling a vessel in MOSES. Through SACS Modeller and importing into MOSES ? or directly modelling in MOSES. The following path of webinar video had SACS Modules as MOSES Modelling tools

  • Hi Siddharth,

    Thank you for your interest.

    Your question is not easy to answer.  It depends on the vessel and your background.  I have been modeling vessels in MOSES since 1980's and I am quite happy opening the editor and typing in numbers to generate lines plans.  I do this mostly for monohull ship shapes.  With today's GUI tools many people would find that excessive labor.

    You mentioned you saw some videos showing SACS Modeller.  This is the same as MOSES Hull Modeller.  MOSES Hull Modeler should be available with your MOSES installation.  This application in general is very CAD like.  I would use it for all shapes (monohull, semi-subersibles, jackup, GBS).

    When I talk with other users I also frequently hear people using Rhino.  I have seen people model all shapes in Rhino.I have not run Rhino, but it appears to be very popular.

    I this helps.

    Georgina Maldonado

  • Hi Gina,

    I was wondering if you can help me with this. Im currently modelling a tanker FSU using moses strip method. however, the surface seem to be problematic at the bulb section and fore. Also tried the 3ddif method by it doesn't go as planned. I have no idea on how to tell MOSES to cut the fwd into desired shape profile. Appreciate if you can guide me through this.

    I attached my vessel data file (strip and 3ddiff) for your reference. Thanks




    $*********************************************      set data
    &dimen -save -dimen metres   m-tons
    &set vlength		= 243.00
    &set vbeam		= 45.00
    &set vdepth		= 25.00
    &set vname		= nauticamuar
    &set lwtf			=132027
    $*********************************************      macro for plotting
    &macro su_show names
       &if %plot &then
          &select :n -select %names
    	  &if %demo &then
    	  &device -g_default screen
    	  &subtitle %subt picture iso
          &picture iso -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
       	  &subtitle %subt picture top
          &picture top -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
       	  &subtitle %subt picture bow
          &picture bow -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
       	  &subtitle %subt picture stab
          &picture stab -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
    	  &device -g_default device
    	  &subtitle %subt picture iso
          &picture iso -parent :n
    	  &subtitle %subt picture top
          &picture top -parent :n
    	  &subtitle %subt picture bow
          &picture bow -parent :n
    	  &subtitle %subt picture stab
          &picture stab -parent :n
    $*********************************************      generate
    $*********************************************      define body
    $*cgfsumuar	119.166	0	11.724
    $&weight *cgfsumuar	%lwrf	0.29*%vbeam%	0.32*%vlength%	0.32*%vlength%
    $*********************************************      dimensions
    $ format (-locat translate x,y,z (rot-x roll)(rot-y pitch) (rot-z yaw)***********
    $****pgen cabin  -perm 0 -diftype none 
    $$$$$$-locat "(translate)x coordi=6.5m" "(translate)y+ve@port= 0m"  (translate)(depth-base)=13.01m 
    $$$$$$(rotate@x-axis-ccw)=0deg (rotate@y-axis)=-90 (rotate@z-axis)=0  %win_cur
    $***after -locat the distance will be zero after locate x-translate!!*********
    $***-locat translate from midpoint surface!!*********************************
    $**pgen = origin,height.witdh***************
    $______________create superstructure________________________
    block one -loc 149 0 16.95  0 0 0
    plane 0 17 -rect 0 14.5 20.41
    block  two	-loc 149 0 31.45  0 0 0
    plane 0 4 -rect  0 1.63 30  
    block  three	-loc 149 0 31.45  0 0 0
    plane 0 16	 -rect  0 4 16  
    block four	-loc 149 0 16.95  0 0 0
    plane 0 29.5	 -rect  0 10 14.6  
    block five -loc 149 0 16.95  0 0 0
    plane 0 29.5	 -rect  0 14 10  
    $****************************************         bulbous bow
    block bow
    plane       0.0000  -cart 0 0.4
    plane       0.5000  -cart 0 20.431	2.002 21.079
    plane       2.5000  -cart 0 1.749	0.338 2.45	0.67 3.267	0.895 4.144	\
    						  0.932 5.065 0.73 6.004 0 6.9	0 17.761  1.173 18.476 \
    						  1.708	18.959 3.044 19.989 4.289 21.079
    plane       5.0000  -cart 0 1.749	0.338 2.45	0.67 3.267	0.895 4.144	\
    						  0.932 5.065 0.73 6.004 0 6.9	0 17.761  1.173 18.476 \
    						  1.708	18.959 3.044 19.989 4.289 21.079
    $******************************************		hull body
    block mhull
    plane       5.0000  -cart 0	0.635 0.841	1.51 1.144	2.223 1.393	3.033 1.579	3.894 \
    						  1.687	4.759 1.708	5.587 1.639	6.348 1.487	7.019 1.266	7.588 \
    						  0	8.414 0	13.788 0 14.326 0.255 14.884 0.545	15.442 \
    						  1.117	16.226 1.727 16.865 3.717 18.802 4.288 19.295 6.285	21.079
    plane       7.9342  -cart 0	0.208 0.516	0.491 1.215	1.47 1.473 2.177 1.697 2.962 \
    						  1.878	3.795 2.001	4.629 2.055	5.43 2.035	6.171 1.942	6.837 \
    						  1.783	7.422 1.57	7.933 1.051	8.783 0.609	9.52 0.359	10.327 \
    						  0.313	11.267 0.456 12.272 0.6	12.779 0.798 13.29 1.11	13.835 \
    						  1.497	14.417 2.004 15.078 2.745 15.916 3.867 17.059 5.621	18.695 \
    						  8.218	21.079
    plane      10.0000  -cart 0	0.129 0.51	0.333 1.008	0.903 1.293	1.473 1.554	2.162 1.785	2.934 \
    						  1.973	3.749 2.106	4.565 2.174	5.349 2.174	6.077 2.109	6.735 \
    						  1.987	7.318 1.822	7.832 1.442	8.719 1.117	9.523 0.953	10.338 \
    						  1.004	11.204 1.276 12.121 1.804 13.111 2.159	13.648 2.585 14.232 \
    						  3.13	14.908 3.727 15.571 5.038 16.943 6.769 18.633 9.391	21.079
    plane      12.0000  -cart 0	0.097 0.728	0.453 1.329	1.428 1.597	2.094 1.839	2.839 2.044	3.627 \
    						  2.202	4.419 2.303	5.185 2.346	5.902 2.333	6.556 2.272	7.144 2.175	7.669 \
    						  1.95 8.589 1.791	9.422 1.788	10.245 1.97	11.094 2.336 11.986 \
    						  2.903	12.949 3.263 13.479 3.687 14.062 4.225	14.747 4.98	15.626 \
    						  6.117	16.838 7.358 18.068 7.843 18.574 10.333	21.079
    plane      15.8685  -cart 0	0.035 0.749	0.362 1.424	1.263 1.739	1.88 2.036	2.573 2.309	3.31 \
    						  2.548	4.058 2.75 4.79 2.913 5.485 3.039 6.132 3.133 6.725 \
    						  3.205	7.266 3.326	8.228 3.48 9.094 3.716 9.92 4.052 10.745 \
    						  4.497	11.605 5.068 12.559 5.409 13.097 5.799	13.699 6.29	14.417 \
    						  6.981	15.349 8.02	16.634 9.599 18.463 11.408 20.468 11.926 21.079
    plane      23.8027  -cart 0	0.002 0.603	0.06 1.159	0.239 1.681	0.538 2.659	1.471 3.125	2.071 \
    						  3.576	2.725 4.01 3.403 4.426 4.077 4.823 4.728 5.199 5.341 \
    						  5.554	5.909 5.887	6.43 6.492	7.359 7.026	8.182 7.51	8.957 \
    						  7.973	9.74 8.448	10.595 8.962 11.607 9.24 12.203 9.542 12.887 \
    						  9.903	13.712 10.399 14.777 11.139	16.226 12.257 18.247 13.903	21.079
    plane      31.7369  -cart 0	0 0.839	0.037 1.673	0.16 2.478 0.383 3.236 0.709 3.937 1.134 \
    						  4.577	1.641 5.161	2.207 5.7 2.802 6.203 3.4 6.677	3.982 7.126	4.532 \
    						  7.554	5.045 8.342	5.954 9.03 6.746 9.614 7.48 10.118 8.225 \
    						  10.58	9.058 11.037 10.067 11.272 10.667 11.517 11.347 11.774 12.129 \
    						  12.068 13.066 12.437 14.26 12.943	15.856 13.66 18.049 14.672	21.079
    plane      39.6711  -cart 0	0 1.029	0.021 2.165	0.1 3.306 0.256 4.374 0.498 5.322 0.826 \
    						  6.129	1.23 6.803	1.69 7.372	2.181 7.865	2.682 8.708	3.645 \
    						  9.443	4.502 10.095 5.252 10.654 5.942 11.129 6.639 11.543	7.429 \
    						  11.933 8.409 12.129 8.999 12.332 9.67 12.547	10.431 12.777 11.302 \
    						  13.031 12.338 13.32 13.647 13.66 15.39 14.068	17.778 14.557 21.079 \
    plane      47.6054  -cart 0	0 1.195	0.01 2.628 0.056 4.107 0.155 5.488 0.319 6.681 0.549 \
    						  7.643	0.84 8.387 1.18 8.962 1.551 9.79 2.321 10.408 3.061 10.941 3.734 \
    						  11.404 4.352 11.795 4.964 12.128 5.651 12.424	6.52 12.569	7.054 \
    						  12.717 7.671 12.872 8.379 13.041 9.187 13.227	10.113 13.431 11.223 \
    						  13.646 12.647 13.862 14.58 14.06 17.281 14.216 21.079
    plane      55.540   -cart 0.000	0.000 1.341	0.004 3.024	0.028 4.784	0.085 6.424	0.184 7.818	0.326 \
    						  8.910	0.512 9.714	0.735 10.298 0.986 11.053 1.535 11.553	2.099 11.968 2.642 \
    						  12.317 3.156 12.601 3.675 12.827 4.279 13.019	5.080 13.111 5.591 13.205 6.191 \
    						  13.304 6.891 13.414 7.701 13.537 8.642 13.672	9.797 13.809 11.330 13.934 13.489 \
    						  14.024 16.602 14.051	21.079
    plane      63.474   -cart 0.000	0.000 1.445	0.002 3.289	0.015 5.224	0.047 7.023	0.104 8.540	0.189 \
    						  9.712	0.303 10.557 0.446 11.150 0.612 11.873 1.003 12.498	1.666 12.953 2.324 \
    						  13.252 3.015 13.385 3.628 13.494 4.501 13.548	5.071 13.605 5.746 13.668 6.538 \
    						  13.740 7.472 13.818 8.648 13.897 10.257 13.966 12.593 14.011 16.041 14.010 21.079 
    plane      71.4080  -cart 0.0000 0.0000 1.5155 0.0011 3.4544 0.0081 5.4881 0.0262 7.3747 0.0595  \
    						  8.9596 0.1111 10.1759 0.1834 11.0434 0.2776 11.6434 0.3940 12.0577 0.5318  \
    						  12.3518 0.6891 12.5756 0.8630 12.7627 1.0493 12.9308 1.2432 13.0833 1.4391  \
    						  13.2182 1.6333 13.3342 1.8256 13.4313 2.0196 13.5102 2.2222 13.5730 2.4441  \
    						  13.6227 2.6994 13.6628 3.0043 13.6965 3.3746 13.7269 3.8253 13.7564 4.3708  \13.7875 5.0247  \
    						  13.8219 5.7998 13.8608 6.7251 13.9034 7.9086 13.9461 9.5641 13.9830 12.0108  \
    						  14.0050 15.6731 14.0003 21.0790 
    plane      79.3423  -cart 0.0000 0.0000 1.5712 0.0005 3.5771 0.0036 5.6770 0.0124 7.6210 0.0296  \
    						  9.2496 0.0583 10.4942 0.1016 11.3760 0.1627 11.9801 0.2444 12.3914 0.3481  \
    						  12.6784 0.4736 12.8928 0.6189 13.0696 0.7804 13.2274 0.9529 13.3692 1.1299 13.4928 1.3068  \
    						  13.5969 1.4824 13.6812 1.6597 13.7466 1.8452 13.7952 2.0492 13.8301 2.2856  \
    						  13.8550 2.5707 13.8733 2.9207 13.8877 3.3511 13.9005 3.8772 13.9133 4.5138  \
    						  13.9274 5.2752 13.9433 6.1929 13.9607 7.3823 13.9781 9.0705 13.9931 11.5967 14.0020 15.4120  \
    						  14.0000 21.0790 
    plane      87.2765  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.6057       0.0002  \
          3.6395       0.0021  \
          5.7611       0.0076  \
          7.7207       0.0192  \
          9.3598       0.0399  \
         10.6101       0.0731  \
         11.4941       0.1227  \
         12.0977       0.1924  \
         12.5069       0.2843  \
         12.7908       0.3988  \
         13.0017       0.5343  \
         13.1749       0.6874  \
         13.3289       0.8527  \
         13.4669       1.0236  \
         13.5866       1.1951  \
         13.6866       1.3658  \
         13.7665       1.5383  \
         13.8273       1.7187  \
         13.8711       1.9170  \
         13.9009       2.1470  \
         13.9207       2.4245  \
         13.9337       2.7659  \
         13.9427       3.1870  \
         13.9496       3.7036  \
         13.9562       4.3314  \
         13.9633       5.0859  \
         13.9714       6.0001  \
         13.9801       7.1925  \
         13.9889       8.8945  \
         13.9965      11.4515  \
         14.0010      15.3222  \
         14.0000      21.0790 
    plane      95.2107  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.6373       0.0001  \
          3.6945       0.0009  \
          5.8326       0.0038  \
          7.8033       0.0111  \
          9.4490       0.0255  \
         10.7029       0.0507  \
         11.5879       0.0911  \
         12.1910       0.1511  \
         12.5985       0.2334  \
         12.8801       0.3389  \
         13.0883       0.4664  \
         13.2587       0.6125  \
         13.4099       0.7720  \
         13.5450       0.9382  \
         13.6617       1.1057  \
         13.7584       1.2731  \
         13.8348       1.4425  \
         13.8919       1.6198  \
         13.9317       1.8146  \
         13.9576       2.0402  \
         13.9732       2.3123  \
         13.9820       2.6469  \
         13.9865       3.0603  \
         13.9889       3.5687  \
         13.9905       4.1885  \
         13.9920       4.9364  \
         13.9938       5.8468  \
         13.9957       7.0407  \
         13.9976       8.7531  \
         13.9992      11.3343  \
         14.0002      15.2495  \
         14.0000      21.0790 
    plane     103.1449  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.6604       0.0000  \
          3.7275       0.0006  \
          5.8674       0.0031  \
          7.8356       0.0094  \
          9.4774       0.0224  \
         10.7276       0.0459  \
         11.6100       0.0842  \
         12.2111       0.1418  \
         12.6173       0.2217  \
         12.8980       0.3248  \
         13.1054       0.4501  \
         13.2752       0.5946  \
         13.4259       0.7531  \
         13.5604       0.9192  \
         13.6764       1.0876  \
         13.7725       1.2569  \
         13.8483       1.4290  \
         13.9046       1.6095  \
         13.9437       1.8074  \
         13.9688       2.0354  \
         13.9836       2.3084  \
         13.9915       2.6422  \
         13.9952       3.0529  \
         13.9966       3.5569  \
         13.9972       4.1714  \
         13.9977       4.9137  \
         13.9982       5.8196  \
         13.9988       7.0111  \
         13.9993       8.7243  \
         13.9998      11.3102  \
         14.0001      15.2348  \
         14.0000      21.0790 
    plane     111.0792  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.6771       0.0004  \
          3.7475       0.0019  \
          5.8832       0.0053  \
          7.8441       0.0124  \
          9.4785       0.0258  \
         10.7230       0.0491  \
         11.6020       0.0866  \
         12.2015       0.1429  \
         12.6073       0.2209  \
         12.8883       0.3220  \
         13.0965       0.4453  \
         13.2672       0.5882  \
         13.4187       0.7461  \
         13.5541       0.9131  \
         13.6710       1.0844  \
         13.7679       1.2586  \
         13.8445       1.4375  \
         13.9016       1.6261  \
         13.9414       1.8326  \
         13.9672       2.0685  \
         13.9826       2.3477  \
         13.9911       2.6851  \
         13.9953       3.0962  \
         13.9972       3.5975  \
         13.9981       4.2064  \
         13.9987       4.9409  \
         13.9992       5.8380  \
         13.9996       7.0208  \
         13.9998       8.7265  \
         13.9999      11.3075  \
         14.0000      15.2309  \
         14.0000      21.0790 
    plane     119.0134  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.6747       0.0033  \
          3.7229       0.0117  \
          5.8278       0.0238  \
          7.7580       0.0397  \
          9.3675       0.0608  \
         10.5959       0.0898  \
         11.4673       0.1306  \
         12.0660       0.1879  \
         12.4755       0.2651  \
         12.7629       0.3637  \
         12.9789       0.4838  \
         13.1578       0.6235  \
         13.3176       0.7794  \
         13.4611       0.9467  \
         13.5860       1.1217  \
         13.6908       1.3033  \
         13.7753       1.4930  \
         13.8402       1.6951  \
         13.8877       1.9166  \
         13.9210       2.1672  \
         13.9438       2.4584  \
         13.9592       2.8037  \
         13.9699       3.2175  \
         13.9777       3.7159  \
         13.9839       4.3161  \
         13.9890       5.0369  \
         13.9932       5.9164  \
         13.9963       7.0791  \
         13.9983       8.7644  \
         13.9995      11.3269  \
         13.9999      15.2366  \
         14.0000      21.0790 
    plane     126.9476  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.6093       0.0166  \
          3.5363       0.0572  \
          5.5019       0.1105  \
          7.3030       0.1686  \
          8.8123       0.2271  \
          9.9779       0.2852  \
         10.8227       0.3457  \
         11.4224       0.4137  \
         11.8514       0.4937  \
         12.1697       0.5888  \
         12.4226       0.7007  \
         12.6405       0.8298  \
         12.8391       0.9750  \
         13.0209       1.1342  \
         13.1838       1.3057  \
         13.3264       1.4895  \
         13.4483       1.6871  \
         13.5505       1.9020  \
         13.6347       2.1388  \
         13.7039       2.4044  \
         13.7613       2.7069  \
         13.8097       3.0569  \
         13.8511       3.4674  \
         13.8870       3.9533  \
         13.9180       4.5321  \
         13.9443       5.2234  \
         13.9654       6.0672  \
         13.9810       7.1906  \
         13.9914       8.8365  \
         13.9973      11.3637  \
         13.9996      15.2475  \
         13.9999      21.0790 
    plane     134.8818  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.4531       0.0458  \
          3.1092       0.1579  \
          4.7665       0.3036  \
          6.2811       0.4577  \
          7.5653       0.6031  \
          8.5863       0.7311  \
          9.3647       0.8416  \
          9.9583       0.9406  \
         10.4232       1.0349  \
         10.8040       1.1302  \
         11.1337       1.2311  \
         11.4346       1.3414  \
         11.7178       1.4637  \
         11.9845       1.5997  \
         12.2327       1.7511  \
         12.4609       1.9197  \
         12.6688       2.1078  \
         12.8566       2.3179  \
         13.0256       2.5528  \
         13.1781       2.8158  \
         13.3164       3.1113  \
         13.3621       3.2332  \
         13.4419       3.4472  \
         13.5558       3.8345  \
         13.6585       4.2877  \
         13.7494       4.8249  \
         13.8271       5.4676  \
         13.8897       6.2586  \
         13.9364       7.3284  \
         13.9676       8.9239  \
         13.9851      11.4082  \
         13.9921      15.2611  \
         13.9933      21.0790 
    plane     142.8161  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          1.2473       0.0818  \
          2.5695       0.2830  \
          3.8477       0.5463  \
          4.4838       0.6993  \
          5.0036       0.8261  \
          5.9951       1.0902  \
          6.8115       1.3196  \
          7.4737       1.5097  \
          8.0214       1.6669  \
          8.4919       1.7994  \
          8.9138       1.9149  \
          9.3078       2.0206  \
          9.6872       2.1231  \
         10.0574       2.2283  \
         10.4179       2.3415  \
         10.7655       2.4676  \
         11.0979       2.6107  \
         11.4139       2.7743  \
         11.7127       2.9608  \
         11.9950       3.1722  \
         12.2620       3.4093  \
         12.5155       3.6743  \
         12.7561       3.9729  \
         12.9834       4.3152  \
         13.1953       4.7158  \
         13.3885       5.1937  \
         13.5581       5.7725  \
         13.6981       6.4978  \
         13.8045       7.5037  \
         13.8767       9.0400  \
         13.9176      11.4734  \
         13.9337      15.2866  \
         13.9357      21.0790 
    plane     150.7503  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0014  \
          1.0361       0.1171  \
          2.0483       0.4029  \
          2.9786       0.7806  \
          3.7955       1.1877  \
          4.2503       1.4394  \
          4.4944       1.5779  \
          5.0891       1.9217  \
          5.6002       2.2090  \
          6.0570       2.4448  \
          6.4842       2.6378  \
          6.8998       2.7966  \
          7.3157       2.9294  \
          7.7381       3.0449  \
          8.1679       3.1509  \
          8.6013       3.2556  \
          9.0328       3.3661  \
          9.4582       3.4884  \
          9.8742       3.6271  \
         10.2787       3.7855  \
         10.6712       3.9655  \
         11.0529       4.1676  \
         11.4254       4.3926  \
         11.7891       4.6460  \
         12.1419       4.9374  \
         12.4798       5.2815  \
         12.7957       5.6978  \
         13.0793       6.2109  \
         13.3178       6.8680  \
         13.5016       7.8043  \
         13.6268       9.2703  \
         13.6730      10.8408  \
         13.6941      11.6337  \
         13.7124      15.3739  \
         13.7052      21.0790 
    plane     158.6845  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0190  \
          0.8333       0.1687  \
          1.5653       0.5365  \
          2.1842       1.0252  \
          2.6950       1.5570  \
          3.1180       2.0730  \
          3.1929       2.1634  \
          3.4889       2.5382  \
          3.8333       2.9330  \
          4.1741       3.2600  \
          4.5290       3.5279  \
          4.9095       3.7462  \
          5.3219       3.9244  \
          5.7673       4.0725  \
          6.2416       4.2002  \
          6.7367       4.3173  \
          7.2431       4.4326  \
          7.7527       4.5530  \
          8.2591       4.6843  \
          8.7580       4.8304  \
          9.2474       4.9936  \
          9.7283       5.1745  \
         10.2024       5.3743  \
         10.2211       5.3834  \
         10.6713       5.6150  \
         11.1251       5.8915  \
         11.5564       6.2165  \
         11.9548       6.6077  \
         12.3065       7.0872  \
         12.5958       7.6989  \
         12.8121       8.5710  \
         12.9530       9.9421  \
         13.0246      12.1609  \
         13.0415      15.6847  \
         13.0270      21.0790 
    plane     166.6187  -cart \
          0.0000       0.0879  \
          0.6473       0.2789  \
          1.1225       0.7363  \
          1.4546       1.3432  \
          1.4918       1.4416  \
          1.6901       2.0302  \
          1.8697       2.6987  \
          2.0356       3.2936  \
          2.2227       3.7958  \
          2.4529       4.2116  \
          2.7401       4.5534  \
          3.0918       4.8341  \
          3.5097       5.0666  \
          3.6554       5.1260  \
          4.0002       5.2717  \
          4.5468       5.4544  \
          5.1281       5.6225  \
          5.7264       5.7857  \
          6.3265       5.9511  \
          6.9168       6.1236  \
          7.4897       6.3065  \
          8.0417       6.5010  \
          8.5735       6.7070  \
          9.0876       6.9247  \
          9.5840       7.1579  \
         10.0596       7.4144  \
         10.5079       7.7062  \
         10.6795       7.8498  \
         10.9168       8.0510  \
         11.2734       8.4688  \
         11.5651       8.9985  \
         11.7831       9.7593  \
         11.9265      10.9726  \
         12.0021      12.9626  \
         12.0249      16.1556  \
         12.0178      21.0790 
    plane     174.5530  -cart \
          0.0000       4.3399  \
          0.2579       4.5489  \
          0.3838       4.8962  \
          0.4327       5.2820  \
          0.4528       5.6452  \
          0.4817       5.9565  \
          0.5486       6.2085  \
          0.6771       6.4085  \
          0.8853       6.5707  \
          1.1847       6.7080  \
          1.5789       6.8306  \
          2.0635       6.9470  \
          2.6261       7.0639  \
          2.7129       7.0814  \
          3.2464       7.1880  \
          3.8956       7.3232  \
          4.5471       7.4723  \
          5.1805       7.6372  \
          5.7821       7.8181  \
          6.3448       8.0140  \
          6.8681       8.2223  \
          7.3578       8.4394  \
          7.8227       8.6623  \
          8.2678       8.8917  \
          8.6945       9.1326  \
          9.0994       9.3941  \
          9.4749       9.6895  \
          9.8091      10.0364  \
         10.0876      10.4712  \
         10.3001      11.1025  \
         10.4440      12.1335  \
         10.5240      13.8627  \
         10.5526      16.6826  \
         10.5495      21.0790 
    plane     182.4872  -cart \
          0.0000       9.5361  \
          0.0041       9.5381  \
          0.0079       9.5422  \
          0.0159       9.5477  \
          0.0350       9.5548  \
          0.0747       9.5637  \
          0.1468       9.5756  \
          0.2656       9.5917  \
          0.4455       9.6139  \
          0.6961       9.6442  \
          1.0204       9.6843  \
          1.4150       9.7360  \
          1.8701       9.8013  \
          2.3694       9.8819  \
          2.8910       9.9794  \
          3.4142      10.0950  \
          3.9233      10.2288  \
          4.4079      10.3799  \
          4.8630      10.5467  \
          5.2893      10.7263  \
          5.6925      10.9151  \
          6.0803      11.1101  \
          6.4572      11.3117  \
          6.8238      11.5238  \
          7.1763      11.7537  \
          7.5071      12.0128  \
          7.8041      12.3159  \
          8.0533      12.6919  \
          8.2443      13.2246  \
          8.3738      14.0690  \
          8.4454      15.4513  \
          8.4696      17.6672  \
          8.4639      21.0790 
    plane     190.4213  -cart 0.0000 12.4496 0.0961 12.4645 0.1779 12.4772 0.3019 12.4965 0.4747 12.5241  \
    						  0.6985 12.5613 0.9713 12.6092 1.2869 12.6690 1.6345 12.7414 1.9999 12.8270  \ 2.3693 12.9262  \
    						  2.7326 13.0387 3.0830 13.1637 3.4175 13.3003 3.7363 13.4467 4.0434 13.6010 4.3436 13.7619  \
    						  4.6394 13.9306 4.9300 14.1113 5.2115 14.3109 5.4769 14.5391 5.7160 14.8086  \
    						  5.9169 15.1410 6.0714 15.5898 6.1771 16.2502 6.2375 17.2590 6.2620 18.7951 6.2657 21.0790 
    $*********************************************      combine hull & bow
    union mhull bow hull
    delete_block  mhull bow
    &set subt = union of hull and bow
    su_show hull
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure bridge
    union two three bridge
    delete_block two three
    &set subt = union of top2  and top3
    su_show bridge
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure funnel & four
    union four five funnel
    delete_block four five
    &set subt = union of funnel and four
    su_show funnel
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure funnel & one
    union funnel one	  mblock
    delete_block funnel one
    &set subt = union of funnel and one
    su_show mblock
    $*********************************************      combine whole superstructure 
    union bridge mblock  ssblock
    delete_block  bridge mblock
    &set subt = union of whole superstructure
    su_show ssblock
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure and hull
    union ssblock hull mhull
    delete_block superstructure hull
    &set subt = union of whole superstructure and hull
    su_show mhull
    $*********************************************      emit meshing
    &set subt = final hull 
    su_show mhull
    rename mhull
    emit mhull -body mhull
    emit mhull -piece -perm 1 -diftype 3ddif  -cs_curr 0 0 0  -tanaka  1 
    $*********************************************      finish meshing
    &dimen -remember

  • Dear Gina,

    Here is the update file for tanker modeling (3ddiff). Attached are the errors I received. 



    Appreciate your help.

    $*********************************************      set data
    &dimen -save -dimen metres   m-tons
    &set vlength		= 243.00
    &set vbeam		= 45.00
    &set vdepth		= 25.00
    &set vname		= nauticamuar
    &set lwtf			=132027
    $*********************************************      macro for plotting
    &macro su_show names
       &if %plot &then
          &select :n -select %names
    	  &if %demo &then
    	  &device -g_default screen
    	  &subtitle %subt picture iso
          &picture iso -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
       	  &subtitle %subt picture top
          &picture top -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
       	  &subtitle %subt picture bow
          &picture bow -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
       	  &subtitle %subt picture stab
          &picture stab -parent :n
    	  &local dum = &get (yes/no)
    	  &if &string (match %dum% yes) &then 
    	  &device -g_default device
    	  &subtitle %subt picture iso
          &picture iso -parent :n
    	  &subtitle %subt picture top
          &picture top -parent :n
    	  &subtitle %subt picture bow
          &picture bow -parent :n
    	  &subtitle %subt picture stab
          &picture stab -parent :n
    $*********************************************      generate
    $*********************************************      define body
    $*cgfsumuar	119.166	0	11.724
    $&weight *cgfsumuar	%lwrf	0.29*%vbeam%	0.32*%vlength%	0.32*%vlength%
    $*********************************************      dimensions
    $ format (-locat translate x,y,z (rot-x roll)(rot-y pitch) (rot-z yaw)***********
    $****pgen cabin  -perm 0 -diftype none 
    $$$$$$-locat "(translate)x coordi=6.5m" "(translate)y+ve@port= 0m"  (translate)(depth-base)=13.01m 
    $$$$$$(rotate@x-axis-ccw)=0deg (rotate@y-axis)=-90 (rotate@z-axis)=0  %win_cur
    $***after -locat the distance will be zero after locate x-translate!!*********
    $***-locat translate from midpoint surface!!*********************************
    $**pgen = origin,height.witdh***************
    $______________create superstructure________________________
    block one -loc 149 0 16.95  0 0 0
    plane 0 17 -rect 0 14.5 20.41
    block  two	-loc 149 0 31.45  0 0 0
    plane 0 4 -rect  0 1.63 30  
    block  three	-loc 149 0 31.45  0 0 0
    plane 0 16	 -rect  0 4 16  
    block four	-loc 149 0 16.95  0 0 0
    plane 0 29.5	 -rect  0 10 14.6  
    block five -loc 149 0 16.95  0 0 0
    plane 0 29.5	 -rect  0 14 10  
    $****************************************         bulbous bow
    block bulb
    PLANE      1.000  -CART 0 2.359 0.191 2.921	0.337 3.49 0.454	4.085 \
    							0.534	4.778 0.546	5.633 0.423	6.574 0.159	7.468 0.017	7.785	
    PLANE      2.500  -CART 0	1.377 \
    									0.3	1.912 \
    									0.517	2.384 \
    									0.722	2.923 \
    									0.902	3.501 \
    									1.047	4.102 \
    									1.148	4.793 \
    									1.172	5.629 \
    									1.042	6.535 \
    									0.743	7.396 \
    									0.386	8.12 \
    									0.088	8.701 \
    									0.000	8.944 
    PLANE    3.000 -CART 0	1.22	\
    									0.212	1.499	\
    									0.444	1.9	\
    									0.679	2.38	\
    									0.899	2.923	\
    									1.09	3.504	\
    									1.244	4.108	\
    									1.353	4.798	\
    									1.381	5.628	\
    									1.248	6.522	\
    									0.938	7.372	\
    									0.563	8.1	\
    									0.247	8.704	\
    									0.000	9.105	
    PLANE    4.000 -CART 0.000	0.923	\
    									0.178	1.101	\
    									0.446	1.441	\
    									0.731	1.874	\
    									1.004	2.372	\
    									1.252	2.924	\
    									1.465	3.509	\
    									1.625	4.104	\
    									1.742	4.785	\
    									1.781	5.602	\
    									1.656	6.488	\
    									1.327	7.324	\
    									0.918	8.059	\
    									0.564	8.710	\
    									0.000	9.372	
    PLANE    4.125 -CART 0.000	0.923 \
    									0.178	1.101 \
    									0.446	1.441 \
    									0.731	1.874 \
    									1.004	2.372 \
    									1.252	2.924 \
    									1.465	3.509 \
    									1.625	4.104 \
    									1.742	4.785 \
    									1.781	5.602 \
    									1.656	6.488 \
    									1.327	7.324 \
    									0.918	8.059 \
    									0.564	8.710 \
    									0	9.372
    $****************************************        fore fwd
    block fore
    PLANE      1.000  -CART 	0.000	15.745 \
    										0.589	16.382 \
    										0.825	16.65 \
    										1.069	16.885 \ 
    										1.325	17.089 \
    PLANE      2.500  -CART 	0.000	13.935 \
    										0.740	15.229 \ 
    										1.011	15.599 \
    										1.317	15.934 \
    										1.635	16.233 \
    										1.949	16.496 \
    										2.257	16.724 \
    										2.567	16.921 \
    										2.882	17.087
    PLANE    3.000 -CART 		0.000	13.130 \
    										0.596	14.498 \ 
    										1.081	15.316 \ 
    										1.715	15.997 \
    										2.402	16.534 \
    										3.066	16.933 \
    										3.401	17.087
    PLANE    4.000 -CART 		0.000	11.469 \
    										0.526	13.248 \
    										0.94	14.253 \
    										1.456	15.114 \
    										2.118	15.825 \
    										2.916	16.385 \
    										3.63	16.783 \
    										4.268	17.085
    PLANE    4.125 -CART 0.000	0.923 \
    									0.178	1.101 \
    									0.446	1.441 \
    									0.731	1.874 \
    									1.004	2.372 \
    									1.252	2.924 \
    									1.465	3.509 \
    									1.625	4.104 \
    									1.742	4.785 \
    									1.781	5.602 \
    									1.656	6.488 \
    									1.327	7.324 \
    									0.918	8.059 \
    									0.564	8.710 \
    									0	9.372
    $******************************************		hull body
    block a_hull
    PLANE       4.125  -CART \
          0.0024       0.5667  \
          0.3545       0.8735  \
          0.7115       1.2397  \
          1.0572       1.6597  \
          1.3752       2.1285  \
          1.6606       2.6475  \
          1.9092       3.2028  \
          2.1144       3.7866  \
          2.2716       4.4544  \
          2.3536       5.2532  \
          2.2863       6.1248  \
          2.0396       6.9794  \
          1.6906       7.7663  \
          1.3519       8.5021  \
          1.1148       9.2529  \
          1.0038      10.0280  \
          0.9935      10.7826  \
          1.0647      11.4910  \
          1.2040      12.1468  \
          1.3939      12.7482  \
          1.6191      13.2976  \
          1.8705      13.8012  \
          2.1428      14.2631  \
          2.4337      14.6841  \
          2.7456      15.0659  \
          3.0824      15.4113  \
          3.4452      15.7236  \
          3.8237      16.0065  \
          4.1959      16.2638  \
          4.5497      16.4977  \
          4.8871      16.7103  \
          5.2142      16.9033  \
          5.5356      17.0782 
    PLANE       6.0000  -CART \
          0.0024       0.5667  \
          0.3545       0.8735  \
          0.7115       1.2397  \
          1.0572       1.6597  \
          1.3752       2.1285  \
          1.6606       2.6475  \
          1.9092       3.2028  \
          2.1144       3.7866  \
          2.2716       4.4544  \
          2.3536       5.2532  \
          2.2863       6.1248  \
          2.0396       6.9794  \
          1.6906       7.7663  \
          1.3519       8.5021  \
          1.1148       9.2529  \
          1.0038      10.0280  \
          0.9935      10.7826  \
          1.0647      11.4910  \
          1.2040      12.1468  \
          1.3939      12.7482  \
          1.6191      13.2976  \
          1.8705      13.8012  \
          2.1428      14.2631  \
          2.4337      14.6841  \
          2.7456      15.0659  \
          3.0824      15.4113  \
          3.4452      15.7236  \
          3.8237      16.0065  \
          4.1959      16.2638  \
          4.5497      16.4977  \
          4.8871      16.7103  \
          5.2142      16.9033  \
          5.5356      17.0782 
    PLANE       8.0353  -CART \
          0.0094       0.3582  \
          0.4375       0.6481  \
          0.8879       0.9959  \
          1.3210       1.3973  \
          1.7122       1.8484  \
          2.0594       2.3506  \
          2.3612       2.8913  \
          2.6121       3.4640  \
          2.8106       4.1186  \
          2.9366       4.8987  \
          2.9282       5.7548  \
          2.7592       6.6087  \
          2.4937       7.4146  \
          2.2329       8.1779  \
          2.0665       8.9403  \
          2.0203       9.7083  \
          2.0711      10.4550  \
          2.1979      11.1650  \
          2.3843      11.8321  \
          2.6119      12.4480  \
          2.8666      13.0104  \
          3.1421      13.5259  \
          3.4352      13.9999  \
          3.7439      14.4346  \
          4.0682      14.8326  \
          4.4084      15.1972  \
          4.7628      15.5323  \
          5.1244      15.8414  \
          5.4817      16.1273  \
          5.8285      16.3916  \
          6.1660      16.6361  \
          6.4975      16.8623  \
          6.8256      17.0715 
    PLANE      16.3097  -CART \
          0.0081       0.0138  \
          0.6396       0.0798  \
          1.5773       0.2164  \
          2.5427       0.4259  \
          3.2760       0.7100  \
          3.8549       1.0702  \
          4.3660       1.4951  \
          4.8163       1.9781  \
          5.2153       2.5587  \
          5.5710       3.2749  \
          5.8630       4.0963  \
          6.0766       4.9642  \
          6.2276       5.8328  \
          6.3491       6.6808  \
          6.4765       7.5069  \
          6.6273       8.3076  \
          6.8031       9.0758  \
          7.0029       9.8078  \
          7.2254      10.5020  \
          7.4687      11.1553  \
          7.7299      11.7665  \
          8.0051      12.3383  \
          8.2891      12.8747  \
          8.5764      13.3805  \
          8.8621      13.8596  \
          9.1425      14.3153  \
          9.4145      14.7510  \
          9.6771      15.1691  \
          9.9319      15.5713  \
         10.1799      15.9588  \
         10.4213      16.3331  \
         10.6557      16.6951  \
         10.8835      17.0457 
    PLANE      24.5841  -CART \
          0.0149       0.0171  \
          0.6561       0.0286  \
          2.6174       0.0868  \
          4.7357       0.2027  \
          5.9513       0.3938  \
          6.6390       0.6705  \
          7.2131       1.0255  \
          7.7322       1.4509  \
          8.2174       1.9777  \
          8.6867       2.6377  \
          9.1116       3.4088  \
          9.4614       4.2431  \
          9.7376       5.0985  \
          9.9541       5.9493  \
         10.1272       6.7859  \
         10.2736       7.5998  \
         10.4083       8.3826  \
         10.5425       9.1299  \
         10.6831       9.8411  \
         10.8344      10.5176  \
         10.9964      11.1611  \
         11.1656      11.7726  \
         11.3378      12.3542  \
         11.5101      12.9087  \
         11.6799      13.4389  \
         11.8454      13.9470  \
         12.0053      14.4350  \
         12.1586      14.9049  \
         12.3046      15.3582  \
         12.4432      15.7960  \
         12.5747      16.2196  \
         12.6999      16.6300  \
         12.8196      17.0281 
    PLANE      32.8585  -CART \
          0.0022       0.0122  \
          0.7165       0.0471  \
          3.6839       0.1222  \
          6.8915       0.2431  \
          8.5228       0.4260  \
          9.2503       0.6845  \
          9.8105       1.0190  \
         10.3097       1.4291  \
         10.7628       1.9455  \
         11.1838       2.5958  \
         11.5478       3.3559  \
         11.8308       4.1762  \
         12.0401       5.0114  \
         12.1941       5.8357  \
         12.3112       6.6426  \
         12.4072       7.4281  \
         12.4936       8.1871  \
         12.5772       8.9180  \
         12.6621       9.6200  \
         12.7515      10.2920  \
         12.8420      10.9344  \
         12.9240      11.5501  \
         12.9973      12.1414  \
         13.0695      12.7094  \
         13.1426      13.2555  \
         13.2142      13.7817  \
         13.2834      14.2896  \
         13.3501      14.7803  \
         13.4152      15.2550  \
         13.4790      15.7145  \
         13.5416      16.1598  \
         13.6031      16.5915  \
         13.6633      17.0107 
    PLANE      41.1329  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0147  \
          1.0103       0.0468  \
          4.6959       0.1301  \
          8.5051       0.2625  \
         10.3478       0.4538  \
         11.0819       0.7230  \
         11.6035       1.0800  \
         12.0295       1.5262  \
         12.3732       2.0681  \
         12.6606       2.7054  \
         12.8861       3.4135  \
         13.0453       4.1577  \
         13.1591       4.9073  \
         13.2469       5.6471  \
         13.3166       6.3756  \
         13.3750       7.0911  \
         13.4278       7.7898  \
         13.4775       8.4705  \
         13.5261       9.1336  \
         13.5775       9.7794  \
         13.6283      10.4092  \
         13.6684      11.0248  \
         13.6978      11.6268  \
         13.7265      12.2151  \
         13.7577      12.7900  \
         13.7900      13.3526  \
         13.8231      13.9036  \
         13.8572      14.4439  \
         13.8917      14.9742  \
         13.9259      15.4953  \
         13.9597      16.0079  \
         13.9930      16.5126  \
         14.0257      17.0098 
    PLANE      49.4073  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0139  \
          2.2496       0.0392  \
          6.4928       0.1124  \
          9.8783       0.2307  \
         11.4770       0.4103  \
         12.1659       0.6859  \
         12.6441       1.0792  \
         12.9765       1.5830  \
         13.1955       2.1556  \
         13.3658       2.7514  \
         13.4969       3.3591  \
         13.5849       3.9791  \
         13.6478       4.6032  \
         13.6991       5.2266  \
         13.7394       5.8505  \
         13.7718       6.4750  \
         13.8018       7.0990  \
         13.8311       7.7223  \
         13.8593       8.3451  \
         13.8872       8.9673  \
         13.9139       9.5888  \
         13.9367      10.2102  \
         13.9556      10.8313  \
         13.9736      11.4521  \
         13.9917      12.0723  \
         14.0095      12.6921  \
         14.0268      13.3115  \
         14.0439      13.9305  \
         14.0608      14.5492  \
         14.0773      15.1676  \
         14.0934      15.7856  \
         14.1093      16.4034  \
         14.1249      17.0209 
    PLANE      57.6816  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0139  \
          4.2929       0.0341  \
          8.9851       0.0933  \
         11.1019       0.1868  \
         12.0881       0.3366  \
         12.7056       0.5950  \
         13.1683       0.9972  \
         13.4426       1.5331  \
         13.5810       2.1295  \
         13.6844       2.7106  \
         13.7685       3.2737  \
         13.8219       3.8396  \
         13.8590       4.4104  \
         13.8910       4.9844  \
         13.9167       5.5642  \
         13.9369       6.1508  \
         13.9557       6.7441  \
         13.9742       7.3443  \
         13.9917       7.9515  \
         14.0084       8.5655  \
         14.0240       9.1860  \
         14.0379       9.8128  \
         14.0502      10.4456  \
         14.0618      11.0839  \
         14.0732      11.7274  \
         14.0841      12.3757  \
         14.0946      13.0285  \
         14.1048      13.6855  \
         14.1148      14.3463  \
         14.1246      15.0109  \
         14.1341      15.6788  \
         14.1436      16.3499  \
         14.1528      17.0239 
    PLANE      65.9560  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0141  \
          5.3870       0.0298  \
         10.3055       0.0762  \
         11.7271       0.1449  \
         12.3839       0.2606  \
         12.9731       0.4913  \
         13.4377       0.8855  \
         13.6823       1.4353  \
         13.7745       2.0561  \
         13.8434       2.6590  \
         13.9059       3.2417  \
         13.9421       3.8291  \
         13.9650       4.4206  \
         13.9862       5.0130  \
         14.0036       5.6089  \
         14.0172       6.2098  \
         14.0298       6.8151  \
         14.0422       7.4248  \
         14.0537       8.0392  \
         14.0645       8.6581  \
         14.0747       9.2815  \
         14.0838       9.9092  \
         14.0919      10.5408  \
         14.0995      11.1762  \
         14.1069      11.8150  \
         14.1142      12.4570  \
         14.1213      13.1020  \
         14.1284      13.7498  \
         14.1353      14.4001  \
         14.1421      15.0529  \
         14.1488      15.7080  \
         14.1554      16.3652  \
         14.1619      17.0244 
    PLANE      74.2304  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0139  \
          5.5420       0.0256  \
         10.5283       0.0609  \
         11.8965       0.1079  \
         12.5295       0.1926  \
         13.1282       0.3960  \
         13.5993       0.7779  \
         13.8268       1.3347  \
         13.8899       1.9800  \
         13.9390       2.6208  \
         13.9905       3.2521  \
         14.0172       3.8939  \
         14.0314       4.5387  \
         14.0457       5.1787  \
         14.0574       5.8170  \
         14.0659       6.4547  \
         14.0741       7.0902  \
         14.0823       7.7234  \
         14.0900       8.3547  \
         14.0970       8.9840  \
         14.1036       9.6114  \
         14.1099      10.2369  \
         14.1158      10.8607  \
         14.1214      11.4829  \
         14.1268      12.1035  \
         14.1319      12.7228  \
         14.1369      13.3407  \
         14.1417      13.9574  \
         14.1463      14.5730  \
         14.1509      15.1875  \
         14.1554      15.8010  \
         14.1598      16.4135  \
         14.1642      17.0252 
    PLANE      82.5048  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0140  \
          5.4861       0.0222  \
         10.4942       0.0480  \
         11.9401       0.0768  \
         12.6121       0.1355  \
         13.2261       0.3158  \
         13.7039       0.6856  \
         13.9204       1.2455  \
         13.9638       1.9117  \
         14.0006       2.5911  \
         14.0459       3.2749  \
         14.0664       3.9760  \
         14.0745       4.6787  \
         14.0838       5.3709  \
         14.0916       6.0554  \
         14.0968       6.7332  \
         14.1018       7.4017  \
         14.1071       8.0602  \
         14.1119       8.7095  \
         14.1165       9.3496  \
         14.1209       9.9808  \
         14.1252      10.6035  \
         14.1293      11.2182  \
         14.1332      11.8254  \
         14.1371      12.4256  \
         14.1409      13.0193  \
         14.1445      13.6068  \
         14.1482      14.1887  \
         14.1517      14.7652  \
         14.1552      15.3368  \
         14.1587      15.9038  \
         14.1621      16.4665  \
         14.1654      17.0252 
    PLANE      90.7792  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0140  \
          4.6049       0.0193  \
          9.5028       0.0376  \
         11.6092       0.0529  \
         12.6109       0.0937  \
         13.2846       0.2585  \
         13.7707       0.6203  \
         13.9794       1.1822  \
         14.0096       1.8647  \
         14.0386       2.5779  \
         14.0803       3.3090  \
         14.0969       4.0637  \
         14.1009       4.8186  \
         14.1070       5.5577  \
         14.1122       6.2839  \
         14.1151       6.9977  \
         14.1178       7.6956  \
         14.1209       8.3767  \
         14.1238       9.0419  \
         14.1266       9.6913  \
         14.1297      10.3254  \
         14.1327      10.9449  \
         14.1358      11.5507  \
         14.1389      12.1437  \
         14.1420      12.7246  \
         14.1451      13.2942  \
         14.1482      13.8534  \
         14.1512      14.4029  \
         14.1542      14.9432  \
         14.1572      15.4751  \
         14.1601      15.9990  \
         14.1630      16.5156  \
         14.1659      17.0252 
    PLANE      99.0536  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0140  \
          2.4041       0.0172  \
          6.5498       0.0302  \
          9.9565       0.0382  \
         12.0332       0.0721  \
         13.1831       0.2331  \
         13.7911       0.5941  \
         14.0036       1.1576  \
         14.0266       1.8500  \
         14.0517       2.5874  \
         14.0914       3.3540  \
         14.1061       4.1486  \
         14.1083       4.9422  \
         14.1129       5.7163  \
         14.1169       6.4734  \
         14.1188       7.2137  \
         14.1204       7.9331  \
         14.1222       8.6306  \
         14.1239       9.3070  \
         14.1259       9.9627  \
         14.1283      10.5981  \
         14.1310      11.2144  \
         14.1339      11.8126  \
         14.1370      12.3938  \
         14.1402      12.9591  \
         14.1434      13.5097  \
         14.1467      14.0464  \
         14.1500      14.5703  \
         14.1533      15.0822  \
         14.1566      15.5830  \
         14.1599      16.0733  \
         14.1632      16.5538  \
         14.1664      17.0252 
    PLANE     107.3280  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0141  \
          1.1434       0.0158  \
          3.9459       0.0251  \
          7.4694       0.0315  \
         10.7302       0.0697  \
         12.8599       0.2394  \
         13.7613       0.6079  \
         13.9924       1.1734  \
         14.0132       1.8699  \
         14.0375       2.6235  \
         14.0768       3.4161  \
         14.0915       4.2393  \
         14.0938       5.0606  \
         14.0988       5.8598  \
         14.1033       6.6389  \
         14.1055       7.3980  \
         14.1069       8.1325  \
         14.1082       8.8411  \
         14.1095       9.5247  \
         14.1115      10.1838  \
         14.1142      10.8190  \
         14.1175      11.4315  \
         14.1212      12.0227  \
         14.1252      12.5938  \
         14.1295      13.1462  \
         14.1339      13.6811  \
         14.1385      14.1996  \
         14.1432      14.7030  \
         14.1479      15.1922  \
         14.1527      15.6682  \
         14.1574      16.1318  \
         14.1621      16.5839  \
         14.1668      17.0252 
    PLANE     115.6024  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0137  \
          2.2858       0.0137  \
          5.0801       0.0209  \
          7.6515       0.0320  \
         10.5937       0.0866  \
         12.7685       0.2788  \
         13.6864       0.6637  \
         13.9143       1.2315  \
         13.9394       1.9266  \
         13.9678       2.6894  \
         14.0098       3.5000  \
         14.0280       4.3428  \
         14.0343       5.1827  \
         14.0431       5.9988  \
         14.0513       6.7926  \
         14.0565       7.5638  \
         14.0600       8.3076  \
         14.0629       9.0227  \
         14.0659       9.7100  \
         14.0699      10.3699  \
         14.0750      11.0033  \
         14.0809      11.6114  \
         14.0874      12.1957  \
         14.0944      12.7576  \
         14.1020      13.2986  \
         14.1098      13.8201  \
         14.1177      14.3234  \
         14.1258      14.8099  \
         14.1339      15.2805  \
         14.1420      15.7364  \
         14.1501      16.1786  \
         14.1582      16.6079  \
         14.1662      17.0252 
    PLANE     123.8768  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0142  \
          3.3685       0.0131  \
          7.5343       0.0208  \
         10.1344       0.0496  \
         11.8676       0.1513  \
         12.9530       0.4032  \
         13.5007       0.8309  \
         13.6917       1.4038  \
         13.7334       2.0846  \
         13.7749       2.8434  \
         13.8254       3.6587  \
         13.8550       4.5050  \
         13.8738       5.3472  \
         13.8935       6.1661  \
         13.9116       6.9620  \
         13.9254       7.7339  \
         13.9354       8.4771  \
         13.9434       9.1902  \
         13.9517       9.8741  \
         13.9616      10.5292  \
         13.9734      11.1564  \
         13.9865      11.7570  \
         14.0003      12.3328  \
         14.0151      12.8850  \
         14.0307      13.4153  \
         14.0468      13.9251  \
         14.0631      14.4157  \
         14.0796      14.8886  \
         14.0961      15.3449  \
         14.1127      15.7857  \
         14.1292      16.2121  \
         14.1457      16.6250  \
         14.1621      17.0252 
    PLANE     132.1512  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0139  \
          2.1083       0.0102  \
          6.4172       0.0248  \
         10.0340       0.0815  \
         11.7586       0.2384  \
         12.4381       0.5552  \
         12.8177       1.0262  \
         13.0118       1.5983  \
         13.1024       2.2556  \
         13.1866       3.0016  \
         13.2720       3.8128  \
         13.3393       4.6525  \
         13.3954       5.4877  \
         13.4485       6.3016  \
         13.4973       7.0925  \
         13.5396       7.8587  \
         13.5751       8.5962  \
         13.6065       9.3036  \
         13.6378       9.9813  \
         13.6711      10.6299  \
         13.7062      11.2504  \
         13.7414      11.8443  \
         13.7764      12.4132  \
         13.8127      12.9583  \
         13.8502      13.4809  \
         13.8877      13.9829  \
         13.9250      14.4657  \
         13.9617      14.9305  \
         13.9979      15.3787  \
         14.0337      15.8112  \
         14.0690      16.2292  \
         14.1038      16.6336  \
         14.1382      17.0252 
    PLANE     140.4256  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0119  \
          0.8962       0.0060  \
          4.3280       0.0391  \
          8.0130       0.1176  \
          9.9432       0.2812  \
         10.7511       0.5898  \
         11.2088       1.0421  \
         11.4900       1.5897  \
         11.6821       2.2278  \
         11.8589       2.9676  \
         12.0287       3.7796  \
         12.1791       4.6201  \
         12.3145       5.4572  \
         12.4415       6.2745  \
         12.5617       7.0680  \
         12.6742       7.8352  \
         12.7779       8.5736  \
         12.8754       9.2823  \
         12.9705       9.9612  \
         13.0652      10.6108  \
         13.1582      11.2323  \
         13.2451      11.8281  \
         13.3271      12.3993  \
         13.4095      12.9461  \
         13.4927      13.4699  \
         13.5740      13.9729  \
         13.6523      14.4568  \
         13.7276      14.9231  \
         13.8003      15.3727  \
         13.8706      15.8068  \
         13.9388      16.2263  \
         14.0054      16.6322  \
         14.0702      17.0252 
    PLANE     148.7000  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0183  \
          0.5180       0.0337  \
          2.5369       0.0898  \
          5.1458       0.1800  \
          7.2157       0.3340  \
          8.5060       0.6064  \
          9.1993       1.0096  \
          9.5971       1.5203  \
          9.8915       2.1433  \
         10.1567       2.8849  \
         10.4070       3.7057  \
         10.6396       4.5543  \
         10.8614       5.3978  \
         11.0798       6.2200  \
         11.2978       7.0163  \
         11.5146       7.7832  \
         11.7268       8.5184  \
         11.9295       9.2237  \
         12.1210       9.9014  \
         12.3053      10.5506  \
         12.4816      11.1720  \
         12.6424      11.7695  \
         12.7891      12.3445  \
         12.9307      12.8960  \
         13.0692      13.4249  \
         13.2018      13.9332  \
         13.3277      14.4227  \
         13.4473      14.8945  \
         13.5613      15.3497  \
         13.6702      15.7895  \
         13.7745      16.2148  \
         13.8748      16.6266  \
         13.9712      17.0256 
    PLANE     156.9744  -CART \
          0.0000       0.0000  \
          0.7298       0.0178  \
          2.0090       0.1059  \
          3.5853       0.2618  \
          5.3349       0.4909  \
          6.6546       0.8190  \
          7.3676       1.2487  \
          7.7885       1.7660  \
          8.1255       2.3897  \
          8.4325       3.1362  \
          8.7234       3.9668  \
          9.0072       4.8241  \
          9.3018       5.6670  \
          9.6178       6.4750  \
          9.9536       7.2443  \
         10.3016       7.9751  \
         10.6501       8.6702  \
         10.9824       9.3383  \
         11.2879       9.9866  \
         11.5712      10.6135  \
         11.8360      11.2173  \
         12.0787      11.7996  \
         12.3006      12.3615  \
         12.5080      12.9026  \
         12.7032      13.4240  \
         12.8854      13.9272  \
         13.0552      14.4135  \
         13.2136      14.8839  \
         13.3617      15.3392  \
         13.5001      15.7804  \
         13.6297      16.2082  \
         13.7513      16.6234  \
         13.8654      17.0266 
    PLANE     165.2488  -CART \
          0.0012       0.0578  \
          1.0654       0.1405  \
          2.2829       0.3507  \
          3.1219       0.6695  \
          3.9263       1.0917  \
          4.5605       1.6029  \
          4.9634       2.1678  \
          5.2687       2.7563  \
          5.5730       3.4026  \
          5.9081       4.1484  \
          6.2770       4.9582  \
          6.6777       5.7706  \
          7.1154       6.5462  \
          7.5894       7.2695  \
          8.0885       7.9441  \
          8.5975       8.5785  \
          9.0992       9.1828  \
          9.5758       9.7678  \
         10.0153      10.3413  \
         10.4175      10.9045  \
         10.7861      11.4561  \
         11.1240      11.9948  \
         11.4334      12.5200  \
         11.7168      13.0311  \
         11.9770      13.5281  \
         12.2169      14.0108  \
         12.4388      14.4795  \
         12.6445      14.9346  \
         12.8350      15.3769  \
         13.0116      15.8070  \
         13.1751      16.2254  \
         13.3264      16.6328  \
         13.4666      17.0297 
    PLANE     173.5232  -CART \
          0.0325       2.1141  \
          0.5805       2.3866  \
          1.1778       2.7548  \
          1.5330       3.1701  \
          1.8160       3.6863  \
          2.0558       4.2717  \
          2.2587       4.8622  \
          2.4629       5.4164  \
          2.7331       5.9776  \
          3.1204       6.5994  \
          3.6175       7.2429  \
          4.1867       7.8505  \
          4.7890       8.4095  \
          5.3966       8.9291  \
          5.9941       9.4246  \
          6.5719       9.9059  \
          7.1237      10.3764  \
          7.6467      10.8369  \
          8.1386      11.2887  \
          8.5940      11.7361  \
          9.0081      12.1836  \
          9.3799      12.6334  \
          9.7125      13.0836  \
         10.0125      13.5297  \
         10.2866      13.9674  \
         10.5405      14.3936  \
         10.7783      14.8069  \
         11.0025      15.2071  \
         11.2140      15.5949  \
         11.4137      15.9713  \
         11.6026      16.3369  \
         11.7812      16.6925  \
         11.9495      17.0392 
    PLANE     181.7976  -CART \
          0.0660       6.9961  \
          0.2649       7.2401  \
          0.5085       7.5069  \
          0.7997       7.7741  \
          1.1450       8.0741  \
          1.4754       8.3977  \
          1.7607       8.7178  \
          2.0341       9.0174  \
          2.3495       9.3235  \
          2.7440       9.6686  \
          3.2060      10.0357  \
          3.7029      10.3955  \
          4.2071      10.7388  \
          4.6993      11.0712  \
          5.1689      11.4039  \
          5.6116      11.7400  \
          6.0271      12.0756  \
          6.4152      12.4086  \
          6.7745      12.7395  \
          7.1015      13.0712  \
          7.3928      13.4061  \
          7.6483      13.7453  \
          7.8718      14.0864  \
          8.0699      14.4248  \
          8.2489      14.7567  \
          8.4137      15.0797  \
          8.5679      15.3926  \
          8.7142      15.6946  \
          8.8544      15.9859  \
          8.9896      16.2668  \
          9.1202      16.5380  \
          9.2460      16.8005  \
          9.3666      17.0553 
    PLANE     190.0719  -CART \
          0.0000      10.6979  \
          0.2803      10.7958  \
          0.5600      10.9011  \
          0.8377      11.0140  \
          1.1110      11.1347  \
          1.3804      11.2643  \
          1.6436      11.4008  \
          1.9017      11.5432  \
          2.1746      11.7028  \
          2.4817      11.8914  \
          2.8160      12.1046  \
          3.1604      12.3305  \
          3.5028      12.5596  \
          3.8352      12.7884  \
          4.1515      13.0189  \
          4.4466      13.2522  \
          4.7163      13.4883  \
          4.9584      13.7271  \
          5.1717      13.9691  \
          5.3555      14.2144  \
          5.5107      14.4626  \
          5.6403      14.7124  \
          5.7492      14.9613  \
          5.8430      15.2065  \
          5.9263      15.4461  \
          6.0021      15.6787  \
          6.0732      15.9035  \
          6.1419      16.1195  \
          6.2102      16.3264  \
          6.2787      16.5241  \
          6.3468      16.7138  \
          6.4138      16.8966  \
          6.4789      17.0733 
    $*********************************************      combine hull & bow
    union a_hull bulb b_hull
    delete_block  a_hull bulb
    &set subt = union of hull and bow
    su_show b_hull
    union b_hull fore c_hull
    delete_block  b_hull fore
    &set subt = union of hull fore
    su_show c_hull
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure bridge
    union two three bridge
    delete_block two three
    &set subt = union of top2  and top3
    su_show bridge
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure funnel & four
    union four five funnel
    delete_block four five
    &set subt = union of funnel and four
    su_show funnel
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure funnel & one
    union funnel one	  mblock
    delete_block funnel one
    &set subt = union of funnel and one
    su_show mblock
    $*********************************************      combine whole superstructure 
    union bridge mblock  ssblock
    delete_block  bridge mblock
    &set subt = union of whole superstructure
    su_show ssblock
    $*********************************************      combine superstructure and hull
    union ssblock c_hull d_hull
    delete_block ssblock c_hull
    &set subt = union of whole superstructure and hull
    su_show v_hull
    $*********************************************      emit meshing
    &set subt = final v_hull 
    su_show v_hull
    rename v_hull
    emit v_hull -body v_hull
    emit v_hull -piece -perm 1 -diftype 3ddif  -cs_curr 0 0 0  -tanaka  1 
    $*********************************************      finish meshing
    &dimen -remember

  • Hi Nas,

    Can you contact me at

    Thank you,


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