can we apply moving load like ILD load? on deck member.


  • I am assuming by ILD load you mean a displacement controlled load. We do support these through what we call Joint Deflections in Precede under Load > Elements > Joint Deflection, or JOINT PERSET in the SACS IV documentation. Note that the joint preset line will fix the degrees of freedom which are deflected so no additional deflections in those degrees of freedom are possible.

    If you are referring to moving loads as in loads which move along the length of a member, those are supported by the MOVLOD, MOVGRP and MOVSTP lines in the Seastate manual and can be defined using Environment > Misc > Moving Load Condition. See section of the Seastate manual for more information.



  • Hi Geoff,

    I have a follow up question regarding the MOVLOD and MOVGRP/MOVSTP commands in SACS. Suppose I have subsumed the moving load condition into a load combination. My understanding is that the number of load steps defined would generate the same number of load combinations, excluding the load combination defined by me. I am wondering if the generated load combos contain the same definition as the load combo defined by me?

    For example, if I defined 

    the joint loads:

    LOAD D04H -8.0000 GLOB JOIN DO+61820
    LOAD D04I -4.0000 GLOB JOIN DO+61820

    then defined the moving load condition:

    MOVSTP TOPSIDE 57 0.45 D04H D050

    then I subsume the moving load condition into my load combo, which contains other load conditions: 

    LCOMB D871 101 1.0000102 1.0000DO711.0000

    Would the generated moving load combos (i.e. D872 to D928) contain the same definition as LCOMB D871, but just that the joint loads defined in loadcn MOV1 would be at different locations along the moving path I defined?

    Yours Sincerely,

    Kay Thi

  • Kay,

    Correct. Moving loads are handled by the Seastate module which will output updated load combinations for each load combination which contains moving loads. The updated load combinations will contain references to the load conditions that are generated by the moving load. You can verify this in the OCI file which is generated by Seastate when you run the analysis.

