How to model the stiffness element in SACS

Dear Communities,

I would like to model the element STF in the figure as a stiffness element (as link element in other Softwares SAP, ETABS)
Can anyone give me some idea to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.

  • Thanh,

    Are you trying to model linear stiffness for all degrees of freedom? You can manually define a superelement or use a SACS model to generate a superelement using the Superelement program. I would recommend reading the Superelement for more details on how to create a superelement input file. You can enable superelement input in you model file with Options > Analysis > Input super-element.

    Axial non-linear elements can be defined using Gap elements. See the Gap element manual for more information about Tension/Compression elements and Force-Deflection elements.

    If you want to model more degrees of freedom for non-linear elements, you can use Non-Linear Joint-To-Joint Springs in Collapse to model non-linear stiffness curves for each local degree of freedom for the element.

    Let me know if you need more information or resources on any of these solutions.



  • Thanh,

    Are you trying to model linear stiffness for all degrees of freedom? You can manually define a superelement or use a SACS model to generate a superelement using the Superelement program. I would recommend reading the Superelement for more details on how to create a superelement input file. You can enable superelement input in you model file with Options > Analysis > Input super-element.

    Axial non-linear elements can be defined using Gap elements. See the Gap element manual for more information about Tension/Compression elements and Force-Deflection elements.

    If you want to model more degrees of freedom for non-linear elements, you can use Non-Linear Joint-To-Joint Springs in Collapse to model non-linear stiffness curves for each local degree of freedom for the element.

    Let me know if you need more information or resources on any of these solutions.



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