How can I get the DEPTH value of hull in Maxsurf Modeler?

I want to get the Depth value of the vessel. How do I get it in Maxsurf Modeler?

Note: I tried setting a ridiculously large DWL value as Reference and obtaining the Immersed Depth value from Hydrostatics. But this is not providing the actual depth of the vessel.

  • You can select under the tab of Surfaces, then Size Surfaces.
    Before that, you need to unlock all the surfaces that you considered as "Depth" of your Hull.
    Because you might understand that the superstructure itself will be counted as "Depth" if you unlock those parts.

    It is not official way to know the depth of the hull (Since it will also calculated the highest point of your unlocked surfaces), but I usually use it for early parametric transformation.
    Or so, if you have Main Deck surfaces for your Hull Model without any shear height differences, it is easily recognized by the height of control points at the main deck surfaces.

  • Hi Michael,
    If you are after a rough measurement, I would read it from the cursor positions in the bottom left of the window. The last set of numbers is the distance (and x,y translations) from the last point where the cursor was clicked.

    The other one you could use would be to use Data | Calculate Areas and look at the total depth value.

    Looking at the 2 screenshots, my rough estimate was 4.787m, the calculated value was 4.757m, 30mm different without zooming in.

  • Hi James,
    This method will not serve my purpose as I want to use automation to get the Depth data from a large number of hulls.


  • Ah - automation makes it trickier still!

    One method would be to look at the control point locations, this may be indicative however it won't be accurate because:

     - The control points don't lie on the surface

     - The surfaces may be trimmed

    Alternatively (and it would be slow) you could adjust the Frame of Reference DWL and calculate the hydrostatics. You could iterate on the lower bound at which the TpC is non-zero, and the upper bound where TpC is non-zero. The distance in between would be the hull depth.  

    Code to look at the difference between the highest and lowest CP would be:


    Dim msApp As New BentleyModeler.Application

    Sub CalculateDistanceBetweenHighestAndLowestCP()

    tIn = VBA.Timer

    a = GetDepth

    tOut = VBA.Timer

    Debug.Print a & " :: time taken = " & tOut - tIn

    End Sub

    Function GetDepth() As Double

    Dim ss As Surface
    Dim rowCount As Long
    Dim colCount As Long
    Dim coord(1 To 3) As Double

    Dim hMax As Double
    Dim hMin As Double

    hMax = -10000 'initialise these variables to be far beyond the model
    hMin = 10000

    For Each ss In msApp.Design.Surfaces

    'if you only want the visible surfaces (to exclude SS etc then you could add a line about;
    'If ss.Visible = True Then

    ss.ControlPointLimits rowCount, colCount

    For r = 1 To rowCount
    For c = 1 To colCount

    ss.GetControlPoint r, c, coord(1), coord(2), coord(3)

    If coord(3) > hMax Then
    hMax = coord(3)
    End If

    If coord(3) < hMin Then
    hMin = coord(3)
    End If



    Depth = hMax - hMin

    GetDepth = Depth

    End Function

    Answer Verified By: Rounak Niloy 

  • Hi James,
    This might be an effective approach to solve my problem. I will incorporate this one.
