Pile Look Up Error



When I run the PSI module, an error as "Error on Pile Lookup" comes out. What is the resolution?


During the analysis, the pilehead stiffness tables are generated automatically by PSI. In this case, the stiffness lookup has failed. Increasing the number of pile increments may reveal the deeper issue of non-positive definite stiffness matrix.

In your Soil data, there might be few very thin layers. You need to confirm if they are needed or not. Furthermore, there might be some data where Z or Y value is 0 to multiple corresponding T and P values respectively. You might be having very small magnitudes of T or P values in actual, but SACS has limitations in decimal system and hence when the data were imported, they became void. You can try to enter the Z or Y values in exponential notation (so that they are still small, but non-zero). Also, if the soil data has very stiff slopes, then it will produce indefinite gradient. As the psi module runs in finite difference analysis for its solutions, these stiff slopes create issues in convergences. If you try to remove the stiff values and zero values from the soil data and make the curve little smoother, then the program will run without error as the solution will converge.