Warning using Joint Flexibility

Area:Fatigue / Collapse

Community Question:

Hello, I am using Buitrago joint flexibility for a Static-Static Analysis with Pile soil interaction. I have some warnings about Gamma, Beta, and Tau values out of the joint flexibility validity range. 

1 - Does this note also apply to Static Analysis?

2.- Does the warning have an impact on joint check results?

3- Is there any contra-indication to use joint flexibility in a fatigue and collapse analysis?

4.-In a fatigue analysis, what is the impact of joint flexibility warnings?


The flexibility Joint is calculated in the Preprocessor, which means that this can be used for all analyses that you want to use, Static, collapse, and fatigue analysis,  with some particularities.

Below are the ranges of these connections depending of the theory used 

It's important make mention that the Collapse Advanced does not apply the joint flexibility by default if the connection is out of range. Out-of-range connections may lead to non-convergence, and the Collapse Advanced excludes them by default. However, you can override this behavior and include out-of-range connections by setting an option on the CLPOP2 line. With this override option, the Collapse Advanced includes the out-of-range connections but returns warning messages.

and when is used  in Fatigue analysis and the model has connections out-of-range, Sacs only print a warning and do not apply it either (in other words, this is considered as a rigid connection)

I attached a relevant comment from our forum, that can help us to clarify the use of this option
