Export Only Support Nodes from AutoPIPE when Creating DXF File

Hello All, 

I am currently using AutoPIPE CONNECT Advanced Edition V12.04.00.13. When exporting my model to a DXF file, is there a way to only export nodes (PTATT layer) associated with supports? Currently, when I export my model, the export process exports each node. Since I am only interested in support nodes, I end up having to manually delete unnecessary nodes (bends, tees, valves, etc.). Does anyone know of a setting or another type of export file that can mitigate this issue? See attached images.

Thank you!

  • Greetings

    I tried to call you on your service request but there is no phone number of Email associated to the SR. I called your company and left a message for you to call back or send an email to the SR manager email. 

    I would like to completely understand the use case for this request. What exactly are you attempting to do with only support locations?

    Only suggest at this time, is to export the model. Then after opening the model in your cad application, suggest to turn off all layers except supports and points. Then manually delete all of the node points that do not correspond to a support. This should be fairly easy and quick. 

    Mike Dattilio
    Design Analysis Engineering Group Senior Analyst Bentley Systems Inc

  • Hello Mike, 

    Sorry about that. We typically use dxf export files to create stress isometric drawings for our customers. I'm aware of AutoPIPE' s ability to generate ISO drawings but creating them in AutoCAD using a dxf file allows more flexibility to add annotations, views, etc. Currently our way of deleting nodes is as you have suggested, however, often times we work with large models and the task of manually deleting nodes is very time consuming. I was hoping there is another way around this or that Bentley is has something in the works for a future version of AutoPIPE. Please see example below. 

    Thank you, 

    Sharoon Samuel

  • Greetings Sharoon, 

    Let me ask it this way then, is it necessary to have a node points in your model? These node points will only clutter your drawing. From what I can tell in your example model they are not visible. Therefore, my new suggestion, just add your notation as needed in the iso, and turn off the node point layer before final save / print.

    Otherwise, you are asking that node points be saved based on type of element that it represents. 

    May I also ask that you post your suggestion on the IDEA's page here, so the rest of the AutoPIPE users and AutoPIPE development can vote on it for possible inclusion into a future version of the program. 

    Mike Dattilio
    Design Analysis Engineering Group Senior Analyst Bentley Systems Inc

  • Hi Mike, 

    Otherwise, you are asking that node points be saved based on type of element that it represents. 

    Your second suggestion is what I was meaning to ask. I would like to export an AutoPIPE model as a dxf (or another file) where only node points that represent slide, guide, and anchors are saved. having the option to save node points based on the type of elements they represent would be greatly beneficial to my team! If this is currently not an option, I will suggest the idea on the IDEA'S page. 

    Thank you! 

  • Hi Mike, 

    Otherwise, you are asking that node points be saved based on type of element that it represents. 

    Your second suggestion is what I was meaning to ask. I would like to export an AutoPIPE model as a dxf (or another file) where only node points that represent slide, guide, and anchors are saved. having the option to save node points based on the type of elements they represent would be greatly beneficial to my team! If this is currently not an option, I will suggest the idea on the IDEA'S page. 

    Thank you! 

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