How to modelibg the discharge reaction force of non steam medium for safety valves

How to modelibg the discharge reaction force of non steam medium for safety valves

  • Otherwise, for other type of gas / liquids use another the tool to create the time history files and update the thrust force accordingly. Also not that there is an official AutoPIPE training class available on this subject. Contact your account sales person for training options available.

    So what's another tool mean?

  • Greetings, 

    Know that you are quoting information from the Dynamic approach. If you choose not to use AutoPIPE's tools / commands to generate the load and time history information, then use another tool / program to generate data needed in AutoPIPE. You can then manually update AutoPIPE's model with external data from a different source outside of AutoPIPE. 

    Mike Dattilio
    Design Analysis Engineering Group
    Senior Analyst Bentley Systems Inc

  • Greetings, 

    Know that you are quoting information from the Dynamic approach. If you choose not to use AutoPIPE's tools / commands to generate the load and time history information, then use another tool / program to generate data needed in AutoPIPE. You can then manually update AutoPIPE's model with external data from a different source outside of AutoPIPE. 

    Mike Dattilio
    Design Analysis Engineering Group
    Senior Analyst Bentley Systems Inc

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