Q. Does AutoPIPE V8i rely on any external software like ActiveX, Java, Adobe Flash, dynamic link lib

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: Installation
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


Does AutoPIPE V8i rely on any external software like ActiveX, Java, Adobe Flash, etc.


AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.and lower relies upon being able to read / write files to the default installation folder and the system's %TEMP% folder. The program does not rely on any external application not within the above folder to Open / Analyze / Report on a model created by the program. However, there are some tutorial (*.PDF) and DOS text files that AutoPIPE does not open and relies upon other applications (i.e. Adobe, notepad, etc..) to open for viewing purpose.

The only feature that relies upon an external connection is an Help> AutoPIPE News..> RSS News feed that is not essential to operating the program but for getting information that Bentley feels our user should know on a news broadcast basis.  

Suggest that you review the "System Requirements" section of the  "readme_autopipe.htm" file installed with the program or visit the following web page for details:


See Also

Download, Install, Release Note information

Bentley AutoPIPE