PULS program stops working

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Program Crash
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Comments, Questions, and Answers when PULS stops working: 

Item #1: 

The program freezes or stops working when trying to display any results plots:


Confirm the RPM setting is not too fine of detail for the plotting function to handle.

Example: Found the current setting for plot step = 3, change setting, RPM step = 5. The plot should now be displayed.

Item #2: 

Program stops functioning when viewing color plot of model while trying to display results for all the frequencies, program stops working


Please request that your IT department create a Virtual Machine (VM) with the following:

1. Win 7 with the minimal amount of features

2. No virus protection

3. Person logged on has complete admin rights.

4. Copy model to a folder inside the VM

5. Copy the following files to the VM:

a. pls08090028en.exe or pls08090028en.zip

b. puls08090029.zip

c. International.zip

d. iegls02002001en.exe or higher

e. Have ready Server name and Site Activation Key to us in LMT.


External Links

Bentley PULS

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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