02-03.s: Import Pipe Net into AutoPIPE

Applies To
Area: Import / Export
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Dec 2014, AutoPIPE V8i


Can AutoPIPE import a file from PipeNET?


AutoPIPE 12.05 and higher can import an industry standard FRC file (generated by AFT Impuls, Flowmaster, PipeNET, etc..) using the "Import FRC time history file" dialog (use AutoPIPE's Command search utility to locate the command icon). This command imports time history data from an FRC file and generates AutoPIPE time history profiles and location. See AutoPIPE help for details on this feature.

AutoPIPE 12.04 and lower cannot import a file directly from PipeNET. Try and find out what export file formats are supported by a program and try to use other programs to manipulate the file into an acceptable format that can be imported in to AutoPIPE. Suggest the following webinar which showed what we have is considered an acceptable conservative approach. You can view the recording through the links on our On Demand Video Page.

See Also

Import and Export

Bentley AutoPIPE