01. How to calculate B31.8 -2003 code allowable of per code equation:

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Calculation
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan 2015


How to calculate B31.8 - 2003 code allowable of per code equation:

Given the following example information:


Sc = 0.33 Su T at minimum installed or operating temperature  = 0.33 * 455.05 = 150.16 N/mm2

Sh = 0.33 Su T at maximum installed or operating temperature  = 0.33 * 455.05= 150.16 N/mm2

SL = longitudinal stress calculated according to para 833.6.(a)

From AutoPIPE on-line help, refer to the sustained stress calculation for B31.8:


Note: this value is already calculated in AutoPIPE as stress results for Gr + MaxP loadcase

SL = 327.53 N/mm2

f = Range factor = 1.0 (setting from Tool> model Options> Results)

Sa = 1.0 * [ 1.25 * (150.16 + 150.16) - 327.53]

Sa =  47.886 N/mm2 as shown in the output report above.  

Note: The limit of SL = 0.75 S is for sustained stress acceptance. The actual stress calculated is used by AutoPIPE when calculating the thermal allowable SA.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE