Q. Performing an AutoPIPE ANSI flange analysis, a specific flange always Fails to be analyze, Max Ra

Applies To
Area: Flange analysis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Aug. 2015


Performing an AutoPIPE ANSI flange analysis, a specific flange always Fails to be analyze, Max Ratio = 0.00, why?


 First inspection of the ANSI Flange analysis information appears to be correct:

Upon further investigation, the node point has distributed load and AutoPIPE Xtra Data. There is a known issue related to these setting when trying to perform a Flange analysis (documented under TFS-263628 and is fixed in AutoPIPE Connect 11.00 and higher). 

There is missing User defined data that was not saved correctly to the following file:

C:\ ProgramData\ Bentley\ AutoPIPE CONNECT\ Flange_User_Data.mdb


1. Perform one of the following

A. Insert flange first and then insert any other extra data item.


B. Delete all extra data items from point.
C. Insert flange
D. Insert the deleted extra data items back

2. Uncheck and re-check Analyze box for the respective flange on the Analyze tab of the Flange Analysis dialog screen.

See Also

Flange Analysis

Bentley AutoPIPE