02. Reasons #2, why OPIM does not create a drawing file or drawing is blank from an AutoPIPE model?

Applies To
Area: Stress Isometric
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov. 2015


Isometrics are not generated from a specific model.


Suppose that a new model was created by copy-paste geometry to a new empty model. Using this new model, Stress Isometric drawings are generated. However, the isometric has many extra lines in the drawings.

Why can the original model create a perfect Stress Isometric drawing file but the 2nd file cannot?


In the example given, the problem was with the name of the model sent to technical support for review. ex. "Rurociąg pary bez rozdzielacza DN150 w Londynie.dat". 

The problem only occurred on computers where the current system local setting was changed to "Polish locale". A Stress Isometric was successfully created on computers set to "English locale".


Path name may be too long (max = 256, including the path + model name + extension) or may contain non-ASCII characters in its name.

Try this:

1. Create a new folder on the desktop or same folder as the model

a. Only use typical ASCII character in the filepath

b. New folder name should be short, ex. TEST

2. Copy model DAT file to this new folder

3. Change rename model to a short name (ex. TEST01)

4. Run analysis and try to create a stress iso

Enhancement 1110386 has been logged to extend the filename.

See Also

Reasons why stress Isometric was blank or does not create a drawing file?

OPIM Stress Isometric Troubleshooting Guide

Bentley AutoPIPE