07. In EN13480, is there a feature to choose a damping ratio dependent on the particular frequency

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i, CONNECT;
Area: Analysis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
June. 2016


In EN-13480-3 Section A.2.1.6, it tells the analyst (when one is doing a response spectrum analysis) to choose a damping ratio dependent on the particular frequency of a pipe.Is it possible in AutoPIPE to have frequency dependent damping in a response spectrum analysis? 

In the figure below, the response spectra applied to a small section of a pipe model would be dependent on that small section's modal analysis results.  

For example, if there was one major mode of 10 Hz it would use the 5% damping spectra, if it was 20 Hz it would use the 2% spectra, and if it had two modes at 10 and 20 Hz with approximately equal participation factors, the results would be approximately a 50/50 combination of applying the 5% and 2% curves.  If it had multiple modes with varying participation factors, it would be a very complex calculation.


AutoPIPE does not currently have a mode dependent damping but it does provide that variable damping suggested by ASME. Its a simple On / Off switch.

Please see the following AutoPIPE help sections for complete details:

1. Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Bentley AutoPIPE> Command Reference> Response Spectrum> N411

2. Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Bentley AutoPIPE> Reference Information> Analysis Considerations> Response Spectrum Analysis> Double Sum Method> N411 Damping

Either add N411 variable damping or not.

See Also

En13480 Piping calculations

Bentley AutoPIPE