02. How to map a material that has more than 1 word using AutoPIPE and PCF translator ?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec. 2016


How to map a material that has more than 1 word using AutoPIPE and PCF translator ?


Alum 5083-0


Start by opening the PCF translator Help / manual

This program help / manual has a lot of good information related to using the PCF translator. Suggest searching this for Attributes.  Locate a chart about the attributes used to map different information. As seen in the chart, the translator checks Component-Attribute3 or Attribute3 for material.

Search the imported PCF file for "Component-Attribute3":

However, in this particular PCF file the pipe MATERIAL information can be found in the Item-Description attribute. PCF translator v. and higher has a new enhancement to read this description line instead of Component-Attribute3 or Attribute4. Only one limitation, the material has to be a single word. A new enhancement has been logged to address multiple word material descriptions. .

All PCF imported items are controlled by settings in the PCFin.map file. One such item is the material mappings, these are defined as key value pair, so key and value must be single words regardless of what is actually in the Description of the imported PCF file. Let us see an example of both the PCF file being imported and the PCFin.MAP file:

1. Open the PCF file that is being imported into AutoPIPE:

Note: Use any word editor application (i.e. Ultra Edit, NotePad ++, MS Word, etc..) to open this file.

 Ultra edit

a. Search the PCF file for "ITEM-DESCRIPTION", in this file there were 14 occurrences. See image below with a list of line numbers where each item found was located in the file. 

Note, the material name in all cases is ALUM 5083-0 (2 words). Again, at this time, Dec 2019, the program has a limitation that requires the material to be a single word. Find and replace all instances of  ALUM 5083-0 with ALUM5083-0 in the file and then save the modified file.

2. Open the PCFIN.map using any word editor application (i.e. Ultra Edit, NotePad ++, MS Word, etc..):


a. AutoPIPE 10.xx and higher:

PCFin.MAP file is located at "C:\ Users\ xxxnamexxx \AppData \Roaming \Bentley \PCF Translator"

b. If needed, steps to reset the PCFin.map file. Close PCF translator, open this folder location above, delete PCFin.MAP file, and when PCF translator is restarted this action will recreate a clean copy of the PCFin.MAP file in this same folder.

c. The PCFin.MAP file located in folder: "C:\ Users\ xxxnamexxx \ AppData\ Roaming\ Bentley\ AutoPIPE CONNECT" is not used for PCF import.


2a. Scroll down in the file to the Material Mapping section that starts on line #486 and ends on line #634 (by default in v1.0.0.58) 

2b. Define a new material mapping in PCFin.MAP file as shown below.


a. be vigilant about text alignment and spaces. Start of columns must align exactly. Mappings are very restrictive, any mistakes in this file and the mappings will not work when importing the PCF file. 

b. See 2nd column name does not have a space between ALUM and 5083-O. The space was omitted in order to be properly mapped.

2c. Save and close this file. 

 3. Start the PCF translator, Confirm the PCF file and Map File are correctly set:

3a. Unchecked the “Prompt User for Material Mapping” on PCF Translator Settings dialog.

3b. Select OK button and press Convert button to start the import process

4.. In a moment , if there were no additional problems and the mapping was performed correctly, the application would have automatically started and the file opened. When ready, check the Pipe Properties tab on the input grid to confirm material mapping:

Success, PIPE1 is mapped to B547-5083.

However, notice that PIPE2 material was set to A106-A.

Question: why was PIPE2 material set to A106-A.?

Answer: because A106-A is a default material if a material cannot be found.

Question:: But wait, all the material was found to be  ALUM 5083-0 in the imported PCF file, correct?

Answer: No, look closer at line #324 in image for step #1 above, material was actually ALUM 5083-H112 and not ALUM 5083-0. Update the PCFin.MAP file to include a new mapping for this other material as needed. 


a. Material mapping names used in the 3rd column of the PCFin.MAP file must already be present in the Material library specified on the PCF translator. In this example the material library was set to B31.3-12. From AutoPIPE help see a list of default material names:

Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Reference Information>Libraries >Code Dependent Pipe Materials> B313-12.LIB Code Materials


b. If material name is not located in this AutoPIPE material library, see WIKI page here for options to add a new material to a library.  

Again, the names used in the 3rd column of the must match the Code material names found in the specified material library shown above. Remember at this time, the 2nd and 3rd column names must be one word.

See Also

Mapping examples from PCF translator

Bentley AutoPIPE