02. What value should be entered into the "No. of thermal ranges" setting in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Settings
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan. 2017


What value should be entered into the "No. of thermal ranges" setting in AutoPIPE?


model has 14 thermal cases:

Using the following settings:

No. of thermal ranges = 91

Include ax Range comb, = enabled (checked on)

AutoPIPE help provided a calculation for No. of thermal ranges: 

If NT is the number of thermal cases, then the number of possible ranges are

Number of ranges = 1+2+3+...+(NT-1)

In addition, Static Analysis load sets are configured as:

What I would like to do is view the stresses that occur in the load cases such as T1 to T2, T1 to T3, T1 to T4.....etc.

Are all these settings correct?


 Answer, No, Yes, No...

No, the "No. of thermal ranges" setting is not entirely correct. See AutoPIPE help, 1st line:

This would be the same value as seen on the General Model Options dialog, "Number of operating load conditions" shown above.

Yes, AutoPIPE will automatically figure out what is the max range and display it when "Include Max Range Comb" is enabled (checked on). 

Otherwise, this Load Combination is hidden. 

No. in order to display the ranged Load Combinations (ex. T1 - T2, T2-T3, T3-T1, etc.). An Analysis Set No.must contain the various Temperature load cases that are to be ranged. In the example above, there are 15 analysis sets, each one with only one temperature load case (ex. T1, T2, etc..). 

In order to automatically create all the ranged combinations, create an analysis set that contains all the Temperature load case that are to be ranged, (ex.  T1 - T14 see Analysis Set #16)

Thus producing the desired ranged combinations automatically, 

Note: if Analysis set #16 thermal expansion combinations were to be counted. there would be exactly 105 of them, 14 are Amb-T1, Amb-T2, Amb-T3..etc. leaving exactly 91 ranged combinations. Exactly as calculated by the formula in AutoPIPE help.  

See Also

"No of thermal ranges" setting

Tool> Model Options> Results

Bentley AutoPIPE