"Include torsion" setting in AutoPIPE

Command location:

AutoPIPE CONNECT and higher. 

AutoPIPE CONNECT 10.xx and lower:

Tools>Model Options> Results> "Include Torsion" setting

Comments, Questions, and Answers related to "Include Torsion" in AutoPIPE:

Item #1: 

Why does the output report say N if torsion is included by default?

However, Equation 17 per B31.3 requires torsion to be considered:

This is confusing, is Torsion considered for code equations or not?


See AutoPIPE help for details about this “Include torsion” analysis switch:

Note that code equations that are affected by this switch are specifically mentioned above, "sustain and occasional categories". Therefore, the reported "Include torsion in code stress Y or N" value would be controlled by the dialog setting above. As Include Torsion help states, this setting "is closed for all others" codes not listed. 

Per ASME B31.3 -2014 code equation 17:

Note that code equation 17 is not a Sustain or Occasional calculation but an Expansion category equation. A completely different type of category equation than that covered by the Analysis switch “Include torsion” mentioned above.


The CAE development team does recognize there may be a little confusion with the output report. However, after reading and understanding how “Include Torsion” switch functions, it is clearly understood that code calculations are being performed based on code requirements. The CAE development team will consider options on clearing up any misleading statements in AutoPIPE’s reports.