04. What axis should the pipe be rotated about: X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis when using AutoPIPE's Rota

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May. 2017


 What axis should the pipe be rotated about, X, Y, or Z when using AutoPIPE's Rotate command?


 Depends on what one is trying to accomplish. Consider the following.

What axis to rotate about if pipe was rotated Clockwise in the Top isometric plane

Look at the model from the isoplane perspective, in this case Top view. 

Questions: Which Global axis are your eyes looking? ( hint: Global axis X and Z form a plane perpendicular to this direction)  

Answer: Correct, along the global Y-axis.

Recall from AutoPIPE training classes that AutoPIPE's Rotate command use Right hand rule  where the thumb points in the direction of the respective axis.


With this knowledge it will be easy to understand that +ve rotation would be Counter(Anti)-Clockwise about the axis direction and conversely, -ve rotation would be Clockwise direction.

 Let us see this in action:

Near the end of the movie, pipe was rotated about global Z-axis but appears not to have an affect on this model. Correct, because the pipe is modeled along that axis direction, the pipe is essentially rotating about the pipe axis with no graphical changes.


Question: If the pipe runs along X axis and slopes up vertically 45°: Would this be a “+” rotation along Z axis?

Answer: Yes. See Video below.

Question:  If the pipe runs along the X axis and changes the direction 45° laterally in horizontal plan: would this be a “+” rotation about Y axis?

Answer: Yes. See Video below:

See Also

AutoPIPE command - Rotate

Bentley AutoPIPE