16. Why are all imported flanges from a PCF file rotated 90 deg when opened in an AutoPIPE model?

Applies To
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
June. 2017


 Why are all imported flanges from a PCF file rotated 90 deg when opened in an AutoPIPE model? 


 Open and review PCF file.

First component  (line #9) is a flange that was oriented along the X-axis. The next  component was a pipe (Line #41) that is oriented along the X-axis. Thus causing warning flag: "W726-8:   Kink in straight run at following point(s)" to occur. Since the problem is with the PCF file itself, no amount of mapping or configuring will address these import issue.


Choose one of the following options:

Option #1:

Manually open the PCF file and update each set of coordinates as needed to correct all kinked flanges. 

Option #2:

Contact the Technical support team for the application that generated the PCF file in hopes of correcting a bad exported component from their application.

Option #3:

Open the original application used to create the PCF file and rework the component to export correctly to a PCF file.

See Also

PCF Translator FAQ & troubleshooting

Bentley AutoPIPE