18. Can AutoPIPE import a file directly from OPSE (OpenPlant Support Engineer)?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
July. 2017


Can AutoPIPE import a file directly from OPSE (OpenPlant Support Engineer)?


At this time there is no direct workflow between AutoPIPE and OpenPlant Support Engineering (OPSE). OPSE is an application which will provide  complex design and Modeling of Support for Piping, Structural, Electrical and HVAC Components in an OpenPLANT model environment. Typical workflows are:

1. OpenPlant Support Engineering can be used with referenced i-models from OpenPlant Modeler and structural tools such as ProStructures.

2. OpenPlant Support Engineering can also works in conjunction with OpenPlant Model Server in a component based workflow by referencing out piping components or work breakdown structure elements in order to begin work and then checking in support components upon completion to OpenPlant Model Server. These support objects can then appear in isometrics generated from OpenPlant Isometrics Manager.

Once an OPSE support has become part of the OpenPlant model, it may be exported using the typical workflow interface between OpenPlant and AutoPIPE, or  PXF file. AutoPIPE will be able to import the PXF file where any mapping changes can be made as needed. 

See Also

Troubleshooting - Import AutoPlant / OpenPLANT PXF file

Bentley AutoPIPE