02. Is there a limitation for exporting loads to STAAD using pipe link? if so how many?

Applies To
Area: Export
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2018


Is there a limitation for exporting loads to STAAD using pipe link? if so how many?


Yes there is a limitation, no more than 332 load case can be exported by AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.00.xx and lower. This was logged under CAE-TR-11136 and will be fixed in AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.01.xx and higher.

Note: AutoPIPE combinations are not exported to STAAD, because Structural load combinations are different to Piping load combinations including different factors applied to different types of loads so only the load cases are transferred.

See Also

Export Model to STAAD Using PipeLink (*.pipelink)

Bentley AutoPIPE