08. Warning: Imported model GUID does not match with the current model.. message appears when impor

Applies To
Area: Export
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2018


Warning: Imported model GUID does not match with the current model..  message appears when importing PipeLink file from STAAD, why? 


Each model has a unique GUID. This can be accessed from the Ribbon Tab Tools > GUID command.

Note that a new model GUID is generated for

                a. Every new model created  ( File > New or Import from NTL)

                b. Every model save-as to a model to a different name

                c. Every time "Generate GUID" button is pressed

Model GUID is an important field and is retained in the Pipelink files generated from a model. This is a first check when importing a Pipelink file, compare the GUID in the Pipelink file to confirm whether the same piping model which was used previously in Pipelink interaction. Everything in Pipelink is based of unique identified / GUIDs and if they do not match up, program cannot import / map items.

Example #1:

Export a PipeLink file with a name. Then user Save-As command to give the model a new name. Now the saved model and the Pipelink file have different GUIDs and program will be unable to match the GUIDs and import as originally anticipated.

We logged and implemented following option in v11.0 to ensure that AutoPIPE warns the user of a mismatch in GUIDs:

Defect 570475: Insert model from Pipelink should check and display error/warning if piping model guid doesn't match (old defect fixed in v11.0)

Example #2:

The warning above would be legit if the Pipelink file was generated from a different piping model and then imported back into another model file (or a saved-as model file which would have a different GUID). On review,  note the program displays this warning even if it cannot find any piping in the Pipelink file being imported. Now this is a legitimate use-case where the user started from STAAD, exported structure to a new Pipelink file and wanted to transfer this structure over to AutoPIPE.

Another issue has been logged for this scenario:

Defect 883644: Pipelink Import from STAAD does not clearly indicate when the Pipelink file to be imported does not have piping (new defect logged now)

The warning message ma also be displayed:

a. If all the GUIDs in model are un-initialized.

b. The Pipelink file doesn’t contain any piping and seems to only contain a new structure exported from STAAD. Therefore, expect any support connections to be retained as it would seems to be a new Pipelink file


Import structure again and let it remove existing structure. This sorts out the GUIDs. Now you can run the support connection wizard, create connections, export back to Pipelink. This will export piping, support loads and support connections to Pipelink file.

Following is the setting to start showing component guids in input grid.

Or,  the install an updated patch version of the software now available. Log a Bentley Service request mentioning this WIKI.  

See Also

Export Model to STAAD Using PipeLink (*.pipelink)

Bentley AutoPIPE