01. How to change AutoPIPE Japanese version's results to printed in English instead of Japanese lang

Applies To
Area: Report
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2021


When using AutoPIPE Japanese version the results are printed in Japanese language. Is there a way to convert the results so they are printed in English language?


Maybe, use the following instructions:

1. Close all AutoPIPE windows that are running. 

2. Go to installation directory which is by default is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\

3. Locate batch file “chmsg_us.bat” like below

Note: If chmsg_us.bat and chmsg_jp.bat files are not present then stop here. NO, one cannot changes the printed report language.


4. Run the file using administrator privileges

5. See output below


6. Now run AutoPIPE.exe.

7. To convert it back to Japanese use chmsg_jp.bat

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE - Japanese version

Bentley AutoPIPE