Q. Setup failed - Oxfffffffe .. message appeared when installing AutoPIPE Vessel, why?

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2021 


The following was displayed when installing the application: on Win8.1 regarding CONNECT Client which is included in our installer.

Setup Failed - 

Oxfffffffe - Unspecified error

why and how to avoid?


The installation fails when installing “CONNECTION Client”.

Check the log file to identify the cause of the issue (failed to execute the CONNECT Client package):


Start again the installation of AutoPIPE Vessel to display all dialog boxes.

To do that we have to specify an argument to the setup program.

In a Command Prompt window, execute this command where the setup file has been downloaded (replace 99999999 with version number):

My Downloads > apvs99999999en.exe ConnectSilentMode=noquiet

When installing “CONNECTION Client”, a dialog box appears with an error message about “KB2999226”

Click on the link, select the correct update and install it:


Uninstall AutoPIPE Vessel (which failed)

Start again the installation of AutoPIPE Vessel (without argument). 

 A dialog error message appears about “Bentley.Licensing.Service.exe”
==> “.NETFramework v4.7.2” is missing



Workaround, just proceed to the installation of the required .NET framework

Note: When you install this package, it is misted as “Update for Microsoft Windows (KB4054566) under the installed Updates item in Control Panel.

See Also

Crashed issues

AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley LEARN Server